
Showing posts from July, 2024

D24.185 Prison of the Lothgem

Lothgem, a hideous uncut spinel the size of a fist levitating above a tarnished silver pedestal, surrounded by walls made of mosaics of precious jewels depicting praying Dwarven monks.  It is dull to the point it darkens the light about it. When held, it repels all manner of jewels, crystals and precious stones, and may even repel magical precious stones when on a 1 of a 1d6 roll.  The Lothgem is sentient but reticent, and utterly despises all creatures who wear any sort of precious jewelry, and may forcefully repel such creatures adornments depending on its whims. Conversely, it likes the company of tarnished, rusty or scratched stones and may decide to accompany those adorned by them.

L24.185 Iartwaal, Scaldlance

The infamous, enchanted lance used by the Seuiuar the Luminous, Lance of the Saintess of Bright Leaves whose Resplendents terrorize regions of the Banded Qeleres to this day.  The body of Iartwaal is made from the Sacred Pepper Alatubir - one of the sacred fruits of the Banded Faith - bearing numerous minute thorns hardly visible to the eye, which was stolen from the Holy City Krathl when Seuiuar managed to conquer it.  After subjecting Alatubir through numerous rituals of corruption, it shed its hallowed thorny shroud of dark and took in the taint of bright - and is known for effortlessly piercing through armour, bestowing a searing, burning pain upon its victims that last for months.

D24.184 Garthnok's Hoard

An oddly resilient construction platform composed of fungal planks and brass nails, upon which lies a knee deep sea of copper coins. A throne of leather lies near the edge of the platform on which a very old goblin in rags named Garthnok, who slumbers holding onto a 7ft long fungiwood stick with a keen edge. Due to his age, Garthnok, barely remembers his own name but his masterful instincts are imbued in his muscles. He hides the corpses of numerous adventurers who attempt to steal from him underneath the coins, requiring around 10 minutes to dig from the sea of coins. Upon hearing a loud sound, he begins sleepfighting and somersaults rapidly to attack thieves with his long stick, demonstrating an ungodly mastery of swordplay as he is capable of striking 1d6 times in a 10ft radius, and move up to 60ft. His abilities greatly diminish when he is fully awoken, after which he begins to look about listlessly, not knowing what to do.

L24.184 Woolnut

 One of the important sources of textiles and fabrics throughout the Spoke. The woolnut is a girthy vine that bears round, rough skinned nuts which bears a thin lip from which threads of wool usually emerge - indicating its ripeness where the fibers hidden within are the strongest and longest. Woolnut cultivators harvest these nuts which allow the spinning of woolnut yarns of various colours depending on the location and bark it grows on. The most valuable of woolnuts are those that bear straight, uncurled fabrics which form a remarkable sheen and highlight when exposed to the elements.

D24.183 Chamber of Brass Whispers

A round chamber 70ft in diameter made of rough hewn rock in the fashion of an isohedral dome. Each face of the dome is connected to a brass tube which is wrapped with a glass cap connected to a length of brass wire that converge to the centre of the room where the skeleton of a dwarf sits wearing a set of masterwork plate armor gilded with tarnished silver who clutches a brass cup. Those learned in archaeology or esoteric Dwarven engineering may understand the contraption as an ancient listening post, which allows listening from various parts of vicinity connected with a corresponding brass cup. Inside the dwarf's armor is a torn map depicting a quarter of listening points, with the one he holds leading to the Bluesteel Vaultguard Barracks in Middle Craagveald.

L24.183 Soreflesh Ascetics

 A group of ascetics devoted to the path of the Soresaint - said to have attained a transcendent physique through a rigorous process of self mutilation by strike one's body against bark repeatedly until sores formed, followed by meditating within pools of natural acid to cause these sores to be maintained and hardened to the point they form a layer of protection across the body.  Due to the lack of a consistent scripture - as the Soresaint never spoke a word - there are many schools of Soreflesh across the Spoke which interpret the asceticisms of the Soresaint differently. The largest of these schools is the Brairflesh Sect, which recommends drinking a concoction of highly concentrated Bramblemint whilst attempting to withstand damage from jumping down great heights, which is recorded by many to cause the development of bristly soreflesh - one of the sacred characteristics of the Soresaint's body.

D24.182 Stoneshroud Chamber

A 600x600ft maze with walls made of masterfully sculpted marble that give the appearance of translucent linen. The maze path is 10ft wide channeled by 5ft wide cloudy maze walls. The maze in inhabited by a spectral gnomes who will attempt to cause delvers to fall asleep from their spells, leaving one vulnerable to the 5d6 armored giant panthers that roam the maze. There are a total of 3d6+6 treasure chests littered across the mazes dead ends, half of which are trapped with similarly sleep inducing needles and clouds, which store precious magic items.

L24.182 Landcloud

One of the worst natural disasters experienced only by sandy sprigs. When dust vortices converge to a critical limit, they eject forceful waves of dust which grow rapidly in mass and speed destroying all in it's wake, only ending which the wave crashes into the sprig's base at the height of its power, creating monumental ruins of civilisation collected from all over the sprig.