
Showing posts from July, 2024

D24.212 Chamber of Lesser Imperative

A room of made of slate tiles 80ft in diameter. A large cylinder rises from the centre. Half of the cylinder appears to have a long handle 30ft in length and the other half bears a cage made of silver that holds numerous jellyfish at the centre of the room. When a creature enters a room a commanding force emanates from the jellied cylinder which commands the creature to push the handle in a clockwise direction. Those with weak willpower may do so for up to 1d6 hours unless the command is magically dispelled. Every hour of constant rotation, more jellyfish enter the cylinder making the command harder to resist. Rotating the handle in the opposite direction transfers jellyfish out of the room through a pipe above. When all jellyfish are gone, one may find a small crystal box in the cage which contains an enchanted bronze key depicting a minotaur, and a gem on which are carved runic inscription describing the command issued by the jellyfish. This inscription may be reverse engineered by ...

L24.212 Millipede of Sails

An unknown creature said to dwell in the highest strata of the Anthre. Sightings of the Millipede are recorded in numerous books of history throughout various civilisations with the only common characteristic being its legs of sails which spiral in the wind like a long helix. Yet none - even the ancient Librareiters have managed to see this Millipede up close. There are various theories as to what the Millipede is. Some theorize it to be a lost Dhrivian artefact, while others believe it to be a manifestation of an ancient God that watches over the Spoke - as it too appears in the canon of numerous religions.

D24.211 Sewer of Burnt Oil

A sewer of a cross section 80ft in diameter that winds about underneath Lower Craagveald for 300ft. The sewer is completely flooded with black oil, which makes breathing within it impossible even with water breathing. Numerous precious inorganic materials can be found cast at the bottom of the sewer which is covered in an assortment of garbage and debris. When searching for treasure, roll 1d6. The number is the amount of hours needed to find treasure.

L24.211 Echosight Sage

Known by different names across different cultures in the Spoke, the Echosight Sage is a master diviner that harnesses the powers of shells that are excavated deep within underbark, capable of predicting certain future events such as natural disasters and the fate of people with great accuracy. It is for this reason they are greatly prized and are often carefully protected in highly remote areas known only to a few who seek their divining.  It is said when one discovers a complete shell, one could be said to have the fate to seek audience with an Echosight Sage.

D24.210 Odzmulin's Room of Gold Dust

An octagonal room 70ft in diameter, made of megalithic gabbro blocks. The floor is covered in thigh deep gold dust that is extremely fine which impedes fast travel within. Every 10ft travelled, roll 1d6. On a 1, a trapdoor opens up, releasing a gust of air from below, blowing away dust in a 10ft diameter and causing creatures to partly fall painfully into a hole the size of a person's foot. One with good reflexes may be able to react in time to move out of the way before they fall.

L24.210 Crescent Pulp

 Pulp from the Crescent citrus that grows in branches upon hotter regions of various Qeleres. Gray of colour, the crescent pulp bears an extremely sweet, grainy scent, and when mixed with water forms a cream-like foam that agglutinates in crescent-like clumps that is similarly sweet. Typically used to make all manner of confectionaries, deserts and sweet drinks.

D24.209 Mad Sculptor's Manor - Antechamber

 Antechamber of an otherwordly manse where all walls, ceiling and floor are made from intricately sculpted statues of cavorting griffons. The sight is highly unsettling to those not of chaotic alignment - who receive a small penalty to all attributes until they leave the manor. The chamber is guarded by 2d6 six-limbed golems sculpted as a strange mix of various creatures standing on two legs, wielding strange assortment of stone weapons that - contrary to their appearance - are highly flexible and can attack up to 20 ft away, six times a turn. When defeated, roll 1d6, on all rolls other than 6, the stone weapon melts into clay. 

L24.209 Whistleweed

 A unique, prized genus of weed typically found only in small clusters throughout various Qeleres in the Spoke. Whistleweed is known for its unique whistling sound it gives off when touched by wind, creating a vibrating sound that allows that causes certain woods to levitate stably. Historically, a nomads of Ghamdorn would surf on Whistleweed in the Whistling Plains - one of the regions on the Supple Qeleres where it thrives in large swaths.

D24.208 Rootwall Commons

 Commons of the frontier city Rootwall, spanning 300 x 400ft. The city is built from numerous tall, dense dwarven architecture ravaged by numerous poisonous, spiny vines bearing shades of green and purple. Occasionally large blooming fungus-flowers with petals of highly reflective copper can be found which release mists of poison that cause creatures to go berserk and unable to tell friend from foe. When navigating the commons, roll 1d6 to determine an encounter: 1. a group of 2d6 dwarven skeleton knights clad in adamintine arms and armor made berserk by copperflowers 2. a destroyed cart of healing provisions, surrounded by thorny vines 3. 1d6 berserking prisoner ogre miners dual wielding pickaxes covered in thorny vines  4. a colossal thorned vine blocks the way, surrounded by crushed remnants of dwarven architecture. One trained in herbalism may be able to extract plant matter that can be tinctured into berserk inducing poison 5. a horde of 5d6 dwarven soldier zombies posses...

L24.208 Nuthkm, Goddess of Doused Ash

A minor goddess of the Hundexac underbark region found on the Banded Qeleres. Due to the great inaccessibility of the region caused by high densities of banded thorns in the Hundexac Underbark, cultures that developed within greatly differ from those of the surface with Nuthkm being part of a unique pantheon of the Thousand Deities worshipped by the underbark kingdoms of Qrulu, Udmur and Aagasaat. Nuthkm is primarly worshipped by farmers and herbalists who as part of the ritual of crop cultivation erect pillars of wet ash which trickle across their fields. Ash must be doused by waters from a Cave Shrine of Nuthkm, which possess strange properties that cause ash to snake about fields to deliver bounty to various plants. In these shrines, Nuthkm is depicted as a woman holding a two vases - one receiving water from the cave ceiling, which travels through her body to release water from the other.

D24.207 Shrine of the Steel Bagpipe

A round shrine 70ft in diameter. The shrine is made of chrome infused mud, giving off a mirror like sheen. Roughly moulded stairs lead from the entrance up to terraces that lie at intervals of 10ft towards the north end of the shrine where a large bagpipe made of steel plates is enshrined on a pedestal. As one approaches the bagpipe, breathing becomes increasingly difficult. This may be used to permanently increase one's constitution up to two stages after which one will reach the bagpipe. The bagpipe requires a significant amount of effort to play, and playing the correct song may bestow one 1d6+1 times their breathing capacity. One skilled in the magics of sound may be able to harness the bagpipe as a weapon which doubles the range and damage of sonic attacks at the cost a few seconds' loss of constitution.

L24.207 Fossil of Greicu, Flatbeaked Ancestor

A flatbeaked scalebird fossilized in bramber, worshipped by adherents of the Scalebound cult. A rare offshoot of scalebirds of pointed beaks, Greicu's fossil was discovered by the founder of the Scalebound cult, Candarr an underbark spelunker, who used his wealth the build the Undercity Fhameas, of which the grandest of monuments was the Shrine of Greicu from which one could view the colossal bramber fossil.

D24.206 Maze of Tall Tablets: Chamber of the Slumberless

A chamber made of walls of blunt spiked iron 60x40ft in size. Being in the chamber greatly impedes slumber and immediately dispels all sleep causing magics. However, the creature may not be able sleep up to 1d6 months later. This inability to sleep can only be dispelled by high tier magics and concoctions.

L24.206 Pouch Armed Scaled Anteater

An exotic animal that originates from the Saltless coast of the Supple Qeleres. Known for his dull scale-armor like hide, prized by many armor makers and it's unique pouched arms, which successful tamers use to store items or for charioteers to hang flags from.

D24.205 Maze of Tall Tablets: Circle of Repiecing

A round room 400ft in diameter carved of gray rock scored with intricate linear patterns. The centre of the room lies a pedestal and a crucible containing the dust of granite usually used to make tablets with. Pouring at least 1 barrel of mercury mixed with the dust of 5 opals and 5 rubies onto the scored part of the ground causes the mercury to glow giant gray, and takes 5 minutes it to cover the whole linear pattern.  When the circle is complete, the crucible at the centre begins to shine. Placing remnants of inanimate objects reforges the object anew. Placing additional reagents alongside the main remnant may cause additional effects to be bestowed upon the object.

L24.205 Sandaec, Pauldron of Beaks

A ritual armor piece and sacred artifact Fsewidel Deepwalkers, nomadic peoples who wander within the deep chasms of the underbark. Sandaec was forged in a mesh of refined lode and a discovered tomb of fossilized Scalebirds, and quenched in the waters of the now lost Springforge. When worn, Sandaec bites into flesh, drawing blood and mixing it with the strength of the ancient scalebirds - bestowing unnatural manifestions of ancient Scalebird might.

D24.204 Maze of Tall Tablets: Archive of Blinding Books

A 60X100ft library furnished with tall 50ft high shelves 10ft wide and 70ft deep carved from bismuth bronze. The shelves contain large tablets that each emit a blinding light of a certain colour. Looking at the tablet for far too long causes temporary blindness, and may permanently blind a creature if looked at even longer. However, when permanently blinded, the creature will suddenly gain knowledge of a random elemental ray spell that is capable of temporary blinding creatures. The archive is home to 6d12 pale mirror skinned vampire bats which may pounce on creatures to suck their blood. They may be tamed by one skilled in animals, and may fetch high prices due to their unique appearance.

L24.204 Cardusjar, Flamingo of Blazing Wax

The immortal undead flamingo which once served as the mount of Marquess Liantrew, who grew obsessed with her mount and sought all any means to ensure his longevity. After conducting a profaned ritual, Cardusjar was wreathed in wax causing his life to endure even at the end of Liantrew's own fief which now lies a crumbling ruin after being trampled by the Empire of Grass. Yet, even the Empire was unable to extinguish Cardusjar's flame and the ruin remains a dangerous region visited only by aspiring beast slayers with visions of grandeur 

D24.203 Maze of Tall Tablets: Cymbalidrome

An extremely silent room 70x80ft in size made of a unusual crystallisation of quartz and brass hewn in hexagonal tiles that negate all sound.  The room is occupied by 3d6 ghosts of Dwarven wizards of high aptitude, who appear to be reading tablets containing treatises on eldritch theoretics.  Should they be disturbed they will all begin to attack with a range of powerful spells, but will vanish should they receive sonic damage of sufficient magnitude. Those skilled in stoneworking may find ways to extract a tile from the floor through a minimum of 20 minutes of work, which may act as a buckler that negates non area of effect sonic damage when held up as a bonus action that may be taken once per turn.

L24.203 Sickle-sword Urtu

A legendary sickle-sword wielded by the farmer-king Tarhtu, the mythical founder of the Seekers' Empire, a nomadic empire built upon the Moving Ruin-City Alacasat. When Alacasat was in slumber, Tarhtu, while attempting to rescue his bride who fell into a sinkhole, discovered a Dhirvian ruin, plagued by Varashaktee, the Resplendent Chameel nursing it's grievous wounds by supping from Alacasat's font of energies.  Sneaking close to the ailing Chameel, Tarhtu, and with Urtu, cut the vital tendon of Varashaktee, slaying her and restoring Alacasat to its mobile vigor. The sword is said to be stored in Shrine Tarhtara and is used in ceremonies to annoint new monarchs

D24.202 Maze of Tall Tablets: Shelves of the Tabletdraught

A narrow room containing a tall tablet-shelf, 30x50ft in size. The shelf soars 300ft above, and can only be scaled by way of ladder, climbing on the mostly empty shelves, or flight. 3d6 sirens roost in nests made of halved tablets, every 50ft in elevation. They perpetually sing lullabies that may cause deep slumber causing victims to fall from their climb. At the top of the tablet shelf is a flask of liquid shaped like a tablet. Drinking it bestows transcendental knowledge of poisons, but suspends the drinker in deep slumber for 1d6 days.

L24.202 The Shellfeathered

The Shellfeathered - an ancient legendary three headed Scalebird that wrought terror through the Spoke during the mythical Age of Dark Waters, when Resplendence had yet to take root. When the barks of Qeleres were still shallow, and their roots still supped the nourishing dark waters, Scalebirds reigned supreme, and ancestors of Spiderkin sought refuge near Qeleric Sap. But one day a great dread was born from the nests of the Scalebirds, who roosted at the fabled Qeleric Crowns. Wreathed in sacred shells stolen from the Crabtented, the Shellfeathered slew Scalebird, Spiderkin and Crabtented alike. As the Spiderkin were but a young kind they could only meekly record, as they Scalebirds and Crabtented battle the Shellfeathered for 21 Celestial Cycles, eventually culminating in the slaying of the Shellfeathered whose profraned body was split into 8 pieces, and sealed in the Invisible Prisons forged by the Crabtented. The Bramberscar of Karur located on the Dranzmik's Breakbark is said...

D24.201 Maze of Tall Tablets: Pavilion of the Tablet-folder

  A dark pavilion 80 x 100ft in size. The pavilion is dotted with numerous masterfully folded clay tablets that take the form of various large ferns. The tablets themselves contain Druidic treatises and writings on botany. One may also find strange fern-shaped assemblies of bone, armor and weapons. Chained by platinum is a very emaciated, starving ogre wearing fine robes and a finely woven blindfold with intricate runic ornamentation that greatly resists magic and missles, bound to a very large throne that smells strongly of roses. A visible lack of dust can be seen in a 40ft diameter around the ogre. Approaching the ogre will result in a very rapid series of 1d6 wrestling moves being applied on any creature on object capable of severely breaking bones and spraining muscle as the ogre attempts to fold any creature or object into the shape of a fern, which is then thrown to a random part of the room.

L24.201 Unholy Sorghum

 Excerpt of "The Spoke in Brief" by Librareiter Fhealmold Greitten "Unholy Sorghum, the crop prized by the Fell Bright from which the resplendents bake their accursed bread said to be created by the Half-Chameel Durudurg born from the recusant spirits of the disembowelled Outerbeetles as a mockery of Sacred Maize the first crops raised by the Abiomancer - the legendary creator of life across all civilisations. Unholy Sorghum shares dark colour and the principle of clustered kernels as Maize, but within each kernel lies flesh as bright as Resplendences that plague the Spoke with their fetid bright."

D24.200 Maze of Tall Tablets: Cyclopean Lights

A large reading room 70x80ft in size. A large dome made of stained glass depicting numerous ancient constellations soars high above, lit by a pillar of densely stacked 2ft thick tablets 5x5ft in size affixed to the ground by magic. These thick tablets glow bright with a sacred aura and what small surface unobscured by these tablets reveals highly invigorating, artful prose that stirs courage. One capable of retrieving a tablet glean lost knowledge of ancient, sacred prayer and one learned in religion may be able to adapt this wisdom to permanently enhance one of their powers twofold.

L24.200 Brambermold Frog Arm

 A fetish held by adherents of the Sect of Parnch - on of the earliest religious groups founded in the Firm Qeleres. Formed by communion of Shepherds that followed the teachings of the First Shepherd of Frogstock, its teachings formed the basis of many now popular offshoots such as Thirogian Asceticism and the Kunetecism. While the Sect of Parnch still exists to this day, scarce are its members, and few have the means even to possess such this Bramber fetish which is now worth a fortune to many collectors across the Spoke.

D24.199 Maze of Tall Tablets: Reader's Nook

One of the rooms in the Maze of Tall Tablets found in Middle Craagveald Depths. Nestled past a small passage among tall stacks of thick stone tablets is a small 40x30ft space where a giant steel golem sits, reading from a tablet. If disturbed, the golem will attack by swinging the tablet at attacking creatures, possibly crushing it, making its decipherment difficult. The tablet contains an arcane ancient ritual that details the transplantation of souls from stone to flesh and back. One who studies it may be able to use this in practice after a month of intense study, and the ritual requires 2d6 biological reagents worth a diamond each alongside sacrifice of a goblet of the caster's own blood.

L24.199 Raiment of Brass Slugs

An artifact of the forged in the light of the infernal resplendence, worn by the immortal bright-devil Vealwesse, who was sealed in the Everbright Darktomb fiercely guarded to this day by Sacred Undead who have pledged their souls to be bound by the necromancies of the Thousand Necromancers to guard against the recalcitrant Resplendents who attempt to break Vealwesse's seal. On Vealwesse's defeat at through the efforts of the Six Brightslayers, the Raiment of Brass Slugs were scattered into 424 brightslugs that sought to escape and reconvene, 24 were destroyed by Brightslayer Eadhor's prompt actions, by 400 remain at large, possessing Brightseers and Resplendents, granting them terrible powers.

D24.198 Satinstone Weavery

An eldritch weavery constructed of a blend of craggy bismuth and quartz crystals. The sharpness of the walls, floor and ceiling makes it uncomfortable to walk on, and those barefoot who attempt to dash may receive cuts.  Constructed of the same crystalline material but smoothened are 5 looms magically fixed to the ground bearing unsettling, tentacle-like ornamentations. When a stone slab is pushed to the loom, the looms magically suck the user's magical power (physical if the user has none) and rapidly transform the stone into a ream of stonecloth, which bears the same strength and durability of the stone, but bears the lightness of linen.

L24.198 Scribedust Gorge

One of the natural wonders of the Firm Qeleres, known for it colored winds which tinge all creatures in many colours. As most stones in this region of bark bear similar properties to chalk, many work in the Scribedust Gorge mining colored chalk which are processed into colored writing and drawing implements used by scribes and painters across the Firm Qeleres. When strong gusts blow through the region, they manifest as colourful streaks that paint the skies in harmonious hues.

D24.197 Well of Gypsum Bridges

An extremely steep drop 90ft in diameter that reaches 300ft below. The drop is interrupted by a slanted bridges of gypsum crystals that appear at 60ft intervals, which are curiously carved to bear the appearance of ornate Dwarven architecture. 7d6 giant quartzite bats lurk under each bridge, and may attack if approached too close. These bats have a sonic cry capable of causing resonant vibrations that may cause one to fall and slide off a bridge. 

L24.197 Fort Maardwes, the Unconquerable Fort

One of the most famous for never been conquered by the forces of Bright throughout centuries of crusading. Constructed by Marquise Bethor Veerlans who served under the rule of the Triplet-Queens Ganthesma, Gathriki and Gawalessu, who collectively served as one of the Sorcerer Kings of the Petty Kingdom of Garathasle within the realm of Gruntheld.  Fort Maardwes triumphed in over 50 sieges and was guarded by a mere army 500 strong due to its small size. Many military theorists surmise that the selection of its site of construction was peerless and every section of its design made full use of the surrounding terrain to obstruct all manner of advance to its walls.

D24.196 Durgrym's Cellar

A natural cave 170ft in diameter, the ground is covered in numerous vines that fruit grapes of various shades of gold. A few empty brass casks lined with petrified wood lie in an unorderly fashion around a blood red pool to the east of the cave 60ft in diameter. Inside the pool lives Durgrym, the Brass Dragon who is perpetually intoxicated and bears a great love for aged wine.  Durgrym will agree to trade magic items and ancient coins from his hoard in exchange for a cask of aged wine. As his sense of smell is keen, he can tell the contents of any cask of wine, and will try to eat or shoot acid spit at those who try to trick him. His hoard bears over 100,000 coins of each material, and over 500 magic items.

L24.196 Shadowspear Suuvwhen

Shadowspear Suuvwhen  - an infamous knightess of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Alduvea. Suuvwhen who was said to had violated with Sorcerer King Adarad the Fearful while heavily intoxicated having drank large amounts of Shadespring brew and ate large amounts of smoked Petalmeat during a celebration after the triumph of the Siege of Sugadhor. In spite of her rumored transgression, the armies' lack of respect for the cowardly king earned her the monicker Shadowspear which, contrary to its intent to ridicule and shame Suuvwhen, struck great fear in the Fell Bright, whose forces fled as she led her spearmen into battles. After the Kingless Crusades, Suuvwhen bore the twins Sadahov and Sadasea who would, decades later, lay claim to the Arcane Throne as their birthright.

D24.195 Room of Studded Floors

A 60x200ft room made of bauxite. The rough hewn floor is studded with numerous iron nails inscribed with the symbol of an egg cracked by a hammer. Any creature affined with dragons roll 1d6 every 30ft travelled across the room. On a 1, they receive a painful electric shock from the studs unless their feet are protected with magic that wards lightning.

L24.195 Bannerblade Kawrere

 Bannerblade Kawrere, an ancient hero of the fabled Doused Sprig said to have once been at the Stump of Helumar. Said to have been bestowed a portion of the secret of Tent-weaving by the Crabtent Weavers who were on their voyage to the Far Reaches. Having weaved the supple blade named after herself, that flowed like a banner in wind but pierced and cut like a blade, she felled the Old Mantis Agahqalax who terrorized the underbark with its blades.

D24.194 Hall of the Pressure-Ceiling

A 80x90ft room made of tiled granite. Stepping on a tile on the ground triggers a pressure-activated ceiling tile corresponding to that on the ground every 20ft travelled. When it triggers, roll 1d6 to determine the outcome: 1. 5 drops of blazing magma fall from the ceiling 2. Noxious mists are released into the hall 3. 5 drops of molten platinum fall from the ceiling 4. 1d6 flying gargolyes are released to harry creatures with their bows 5. An immense blast of sound bursts from the end of the room propelling all creatures 4d6 ft towards the entrance 6. Nothing happens

L24.194 Crabtent Weavers

 A fabled caravan that is said to exist in the Far Reaches, removed from all resplendence. When the Roots bore naught the infernal, a placid orb of dark waters was said to have been in its place - and it was within the waters that the Crabtent Weavers once lived. But by burgeoning bright was cause for the weavers to leave on giant crabs where they build their large draping tents of peerless embroidery - and drove in a caravan to the Far Reaches.

D24.193 Pool of Abandoned Tinctures

A room of rough hewn chalcedony 80x100ft in size. The ground is flooded with 10ft random tincture admixture that receives an influx every 3 minutes from the warped pipes fitted on the ceiling. Every minute, Creatures that wade through the flooded area must roll 1d6 on a 3 to 6, one becomes heavily poisoned and receives damage every 6 seconds of a random element. 2d6 hulking slime golems armeds with colossal adamantium scimitars lurk the pool, and will attack any creature on sight.

L24.193 Froglurker

A vile parasite the wears the skin and flesh of docile frogstock, with the intention of slowly sapping and eating at other frogstock secretly unbeknownst to shepherds. When kept in too squalid conditions, Froglurkers - tiny worms covered in tiny spikes latch onto the innards of frogstock and begin feeding on them growing larger and larger until they are capable of moving them according to their will. They are much despised by all civilisation, as the malaise spreads resulting in the required sacrifice of numerous frogstock to the flames.

D24.193 Left Greave of Khumin

A cuboid area with a 300x300ft base of 500ft height, part of the colossal statue of Khumin, the Second Lord of Craagveald, sculptued from the ore of bismuth and chalcedony. The vast greave is home to numerous slimes that lurk on the underside of the greaves, and 4d6 arcane giant snails that hang on the surface on the greave. The giant snails bear immense defensive prowess and ward most elements except for frost. One with sufficient familiarity with animals may find a way to calm them as a way to scale the greave. The underside may also be used to scale the greave through a series of stairs carved underneath, but is flooded by 2d6 poisonous slimes each flight.

L24.192 Halahathes, City atop the Dam

A city located in the Fehdevar underbark constructed atop the ruins of a colossal ancient Dhirvian Dam which still takes in the waters of the reservoir Argahthom to this day.  The dam appears to move the many windmills located along the edges of the dam which creates wind throughout the city. At present, Halahathes has a mixed population of Spiderkin and various peoples of the bark, and is ruled by a council of elders elected by the previous group of elders as they step down from their positions.

D24.191 Fablesayer's Auditorium

A stone auditorium made of masterfully sculpted, polished marble. On the stage stands a bronze sculpture of a trumpet with contraption with a brass crank attached. Fed into a flat opening of the trumpet is a long scroll with numerous tiny punched holes.  Turning the crank will cause the scroll to feed into the trumpet and come out from the other side, while also causing a loud deep voice to speak from the trumpet, which seems to be reciting some fable in the ancient Dwarven language. Turning the crank in the opposite direction plays it backwards.

L24.191 Djimalaq's Tomograph

An ancient sculpture of alloyed bronze found in a study in the ruins of Dhar Guleno surmised to have once served as a scale model of part of the Firm Qeleres and a small extent of the underbark. Due to its sheer age, much of the terrain depicted has transformed, but it gives insight into the infancy of sprigs and underscores the deep understanding of the physics of bark and their tectonics which primarily engendering the sprouting of new sprigs.

D24.190 Palisade of Spiked Shells

An encampment of 3d6 horned trolls protected by a tall palisade composed entirely of spiky shells bound by lengths of rope. Touching them pierces flesh, and may cause disease 5 hours later. The trolls keep pens of giant wooly moles which provide them with food and clothing, and keep a hoard of Dwarven two-handed swords and cleavers as cutting or carving tools, some of which are magical but generally are of the fire attribute. Should the trolls be alerted to intruders, they will alert their fellows to attack them.

L24.190 Thumain the Conqueror, 7th Grand Priestess of Xrina

Brought up within the halls of the Palace of Xrina, Thumain became master of speechcraft and prose in her youth. After secretly learning lore from the various lords who sought crowning from the then High Priestess of Xhiru, shades of ambition began to form within her. After her struggle which led to her ascension as High Priestess, she consolidated power, increasing the might of the Xhiruit Guardians, and took lands controlled by rebels of other fiefs, making them lesser centres of faith.

D24.189 Hall of Halberds

A hexagonal room 180ft in diameter. On its basalt brick walls are fixed numerous bronze weapon racks holding up 3d6 long, enchanted halberds.  Should one attempt to take a halberd, they will activate a mechanism that causes all halberds above to fall onto them dangerously. This may be avoided by rapidly replacing the correct weight of the halberd. The power of each halberd greatly diminishes the taller it is on the wall.

L24.189 Riderking Xhirunor

Descendant of the hero Xiruthail, Conquerer of Ilugmed. Generations after Xiruthail's triumph, Xhirunor formed the Shifting Kingdom - a polity of nomadic warriors who ruled much of the bark of Fhalar which sits far north of Ilugmed. Xhirunor was known for his mastery of riding and many tales were told of his mastery of his steed Zharalsk, a large, hulking Horned Beetle.

D24.188 Bladespinner's Workshop

The bottom of a large windmill 200ft in diameter made of rhyolite bricks the size of a person. Numerous colossal brass bricks turn high in the ceiling held up by massive steel beams. Parked at the centre is what appears to be cylindrical contraption with wheels with numerous vents between numerous six large ball bearings attached to its bottom.  Should a creature approach this contraption, the vents will suddenly light up and erupt with blazing light. Thereafter, steam ejects from these vents as blades emerge from the cylinder rapidly intent on slicing all things in its path allowing it to attack 2d6 times per turn. The contraption moves up to 120ft rapidly, and occupies 20ft of space, and will charge at any nearby creating at whim. When exposed to intense flame near its vents, it may overheat and temporarily become inactive for around 12 seconds before being rapidly cooled by runes of Frost inscribed on its surface. Should the contraption be destroyed, one may climb into the inter...

L24.188 Chakram Seat

 A highly odd throne found in the ruins of the Dhar Kalagra - a Dhirvian ruin first discovered by the adventurer Khileas the Macenailed. Far from most seating implements the throne appears to be a round, bladed chakram the size of a person, which remains sharp to the point where simply touching it lets blood. What has led to its naming as a throne appears to be remains of a skeletal lower body seated unnaturally atop the blade with its legs folded, alongside many other normal but smaller thrones of Dhirvian make arranged neatly around the throne room. Dhar Kalagra sits in the swamp of Jilareka - a region of bark a weeks travel by Chameleon from the Helanthic Sprig. Much of its underbelly is heavily waterlogged impeding further exploration. Currently efforts are made by the Ruin Seekers' guild to draw out the water and is said to be sponsored by the Librareiter Ghanwhol the Rooted.

D24.187 Whetstone Gallery

A gallery passage of 40x100ft in size, that rises 100ft high into a vaulted ceiling where a few lightless arcane lamps hang. The wall is composed of large bricks of bauxite where a very neat grid of multicoloured are hung from chains hooked onto large intricately carved nails. The whetstones higher on the wall appear to glow faintly in the dark, and those with attunement with arcane forces may be able to sense elemental energies from them. Two fallen dwarven skeletons with crushed skulls lie on the centre of the room, and appear to be dressed in fine robes intricately embroidered with ancient dwarven ornamentation, and appear each to be holding an adamantium mallet on their left hand and an adamantium dagger on their right - both clearly of elven make. One of the fallen skeletons wears a ring bearing a tiny shard of the tinctured flight that is mentioned in some ancient books in Craagveald as a the highest and most secret of alchemical products - which allows telekinesis at will for a ...

L24.187 Sporeveiled Cult

 The Sporeveiled cult located in the Hyragonr Bark regions was formed around the theorized practices depicted in the carvings found in the High Scalebird Tombs that dot the area.  Led by the Librareiter, Tombsinger Yilar Mika the Sporebound practice the asetic meditation within Stonecomb caves while covered in spores of the subterranean Vast Cap mushrooms which are theorized to be used in the ascension rituals of ancient Scalebirds that encased them in a evocative mesh of supple but robust mycelium - said to temper their soul into transcendent grain capable of joining the conscious lifeblood that is the Qeleric Sap that flows deep inside each Qeleres.

D24.186 Camelknee Pass

A 800ft long pass which stretches 50ft wide for the first 300ft and debouches into a round area 200ft in diameter and then narrows into a back to 50ft for the remaining 300ft.  The pass is mainly made of granite upon which slippery, acidic orange moss grows.  The terrain gets more treacherous closer to the centre of the pass and thus requires increasing dexterity to dash across without falling.  Falling onto the craggy ground may injure and cover one with acid which may cause illness 5 hours later. 5d6 troglodytes hide among the moss waiting to ambush creatures passing.

L24.186 Nailleaf Crown

A hallowed crown made from the sacred Nailleaf plant which grows only in the Tiardian Grove heavily guarded by five layers of tall Growstone Walls protected by the Sovereign Guardians.  Upon the passing of each sovereign, the Nailleaf Crown wilts, requiring the new Sovereign to make procession with a band of warriors to the Tiardian Grove where only those who surmount the dangers of the Fivefold Growstone may claim the new Crown and become sovereign of the realm of Tiardes upon the Ghulean Sprig of the Supple Qeleres.

D24.185 Prison of the Lothgem

Lothgem, a hideous uncut spinel the size of a fist levitating above a tarnished silver pedestal, surrounded by walls made of mosaics of precious jewels depicting praying Dwarven monks.  It is dull to the point it darkens the light about it. When held, it repels all manner of jewels, crystals and precious stones, and may even repel magical precious stones when on a 1 of a 1d6 roll.  The Lothgem is sentient but reticent, and utterly despises all creatures who wear any sort of precious jewelry, and may forcefully repel such creatures adornments depending on its whims. Conversely, it likes the company of tarnished, rusty or scratched stones and may decide to accompany those adorned by them.

L24.185 Iartwaal, Scaldlance

The infamous, enchanted lance used by the Seuiuar the Luminous, Lance of the Saintess of Bright Leaves whose Resplendents terrorize regions of the Banded Qeleres to this day.  The body of Iartwaal is made from the Sacred Pepper Alatubir - one of the sacred fruits of the Banded Faith - bearing numerous minute thorns hardly visible to the eye, which was stolen from the Holy City Krathl when Seuiuar managed to conquer it.  After subjecting Alatubir through numerous rituals of corruption, it shed its hallowed thorny shroud of dark and took in the taint of bright - and is known for effortlessly piercing through armour, bestowing a searing, burning pain upon its victims that last for months.

D24.184 Garthnok's Hoard

An oddly resilient construction platform composed of fungal planks and brass nails, upon which lies a knee deep sea of copper coins. A throne of leather lies near the edge of the platform on which a very old goblin in rags named Garthnok, who slumbers holding onto a 7ft long fungiwood stick with a keen edge. Due to his age, Garthnok, barely remembers his own name but his masterful instincts are imbued in his muscles. He hides the corpses of numerous adventurers who attempt to steal from him underneath the coins, requiring around 10 minutes to dig from the sea of coins. Upon hearing a loud sound, he begins sleepfighting and somersaults rapidly to attack thieves with his long stick, demonstrating an ungodly mastery of swordplay as he is capable of striking 1d6 times in a 10ft radius, and move up to 60ft. His abilities greatly diminish when he is fully awoken, after which he begins to look about listlessly, not knowing what to do.

L24.184 Woolnut

 One of the important sources of textiles and fabrics throughout the Spoke. The woolnut is a girthy vine that bears round, rough skinned nuts which bears a thin lip from which threads of wool usually emerge - indicating its ripeness where the fibers hidden within are the strongest and longest. Woolnut cultivators harvest these nuts which allow the spinning of woolnut yarns of various colours depending on the location and bark it grows on. The most valuable of woolnuts are those that bear straight, uncurled fabrics which form a remarkable sheen and highlight when exposed to the elements.

D24.183 Chamber of Brass Whispers

A round chamber 70ft in diameter made of rough hewn rock in the fashion of an isohedral dome. Each face of the dome is connected to a brass tube which is wrapped with a glass cap connected to a length of brass wire that converge to the centre of the room where the skeleton of a dwarf sits wearing a set of masterwork plate armor gilded with tarnished silver who clutches a brass cup. Those learned in archaeology or esoteric Dwarven engineering may understand the contraption as an ancient listening post, which allows listening from various parts of vicinity connected with a corresponding brass cup. Inside the dwarf's armor is a torn map depicting a quarter of listening points, with the one he holds leading to the Bluesteel Vaultguard Barracks in Middle Craagveald.

L24.183 Soreflesh Ascetics

 A group of ascetics devoted to the path of the Soresaint - said to have attained a transcendent physique through a rigorous process of self mutilation by strike one's body against bark repeatedly until sores formed, followed by meditating within pools of natural acid to cause these sores to be maintained and hardened to the point they form a layer of protection across the body.  Due to the lack of a consistent scripture - as the Soresaint never spoke a word - there are many schools of Soreflesh across the Spoke which interpret the asceticisms of the Soresaint differently. The largest of these schools is the Brairflesh Sect, which recommends drinking a concoction of highly concentrated Bramblemint whilst attempting to withstand damage from jumping down great heights, which is recorded by many to cause the development of bristly soreflesh - one of the sacred characteristics of the Soresaint's body.

D24.182 Stoneshroud Chamber

A 600x600ft maze with walls made of masterfully sculpted marble that give the appearance of translucent linen. The maze path is 10ft wide channeled by 5ft wide cloudy maze walls. The maze in inhabited by a spectral gnomes who will attempt to cause delvers to fall asleep from their spells, leaving one vulnerable to the 5d6 armored giant panthers that roam the maze. There are a total of 3d6+6 treasure chests littered across the mazes dead ends, half of which are trapped with similarly sleep inducing needles and clouds, which store precious magic items.

L24.182 Landcloud

One of the worst natural disasters experienced only by sandy sprigs. When dust vortices converge to a critical limit, they eject forceful waves of dust which grow rapidly in mass and speed destroying all in it's wake, only ending which the wave crashes into the sprig's base at the height of its power, creating monumental ruins of civilisation collected from all over the sprig.