D24.187 Whetstone Gallery

A gallery passage of 40x100ft in size, that rises 100ft high into a vaulted ceiling where a few lightless arcane lamps hang. The wall is composed of large bricks of bauxite where a very neat grid of multicoloured are hung from chains hooked onto large intricately carved nails.

The whetstones higher on the wall appear to glow faintly in the dark, and those with attunement with arcane forces may be able to sense elemental energies from them.

Two fallen dwarven skeletons with crushed skulls lie on the centre of the room, and appear to be dressed in fine robes intricately embroidered with ancient dwarven ornamentation, and appear each to be holding an adamantium mallet on their left hand and an adamantium dagger on their right - both clearly of elven make.

One of the fallen skeletons wears a ring bearing a tiny shard of the tinctured flight that is mentioned in some ancient books in Craagveald as a the highest and most secret of alchemical products - which allows telekinesis at will for a distance of up to 60ft.

Upon trying to take one of the whetstones, the intricate nails will fire a colorless ray of berserk in a sphere of 30ft radius, requiring one with great willpower to resist.

These whetstones bestow magical, elemental attributes to any object is rubbed on it. Small and medium sized objects may be rubbed as a swift action, while larger objects may require much more time. The power of the whetstone increases exponentially the further up it lies, and the potency of the berserk field increases similarly.


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