L24.196 Shadowspear Suuvwhen

Shadowspear Suuvwhen  - an infamous knightess of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Alduvea. Suuvwhen who was said to had violated with Sorcerer King Adarad the Fearful while heavily intoxicated having drank large amounts of Shadespring brew and ate large amounts of smoked Petalmeat during a celebration after the triumph of the Siege of Sugadhor. In spite of her rumored transgression, the armies' lack of respect for the cowardly king earned her the monicker Shadowspear which, contrary to its intent to ridicule and shame Suuvwhen, struck great fear in the Fell Bright, whose forces fled as she led her spearmen into battles.

After the Kingless Crusades, Suuvwhen bore the twins Sadahov and Sadasea who would, decades later, lay claim to the Arcane Throne as their birthright.


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