D24.207 Shrine of the Steel Bagpipe

A round shrine 70ft in diameter. The shrine is made of chrome infused mud, giving off a mirror like sheen. Roughly moulded stairs lead from the entrance up to terraces that lie at intervals of 10ft towards the north end of the shrine where a large bagpipe made of steel plates is enshrined on a pedestal.

As one approaches the bagpipe, breathing becomes increasingly difficult. This may be used to permanently increase one's constitution up to two stages after which one will reach the bagpipe.

The bagpipe requires a significant amount of effort to play, and playing the correct song may bestow one 1d6+1 times their breathing capacity.

One skilled in the magics of sound may be able to harness the bagpipe as a weapon which doubles the range and damage of sonic attacks at the cost a few seconds' loss of constitution.


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