D24.201 Maze of Tall Tablets: Pavilion of the Tablet-folder

  A dark pavilion 80 x 100ft in size. The pavilion is dotted with numerous masterfully folded clay tablets that take the form of various large ferns. The tablets themselves contain Druidic treatises and writings on botany. One may also find strange fern-shaped assemblies of bone, armor and weapons.

Chained by platinum is a very emaciated, starving ogre wearing fine robes and a finely woven blindfold with intricate runic ornamentation that greatly resists magic and missles, bound to a very large throne that smells strongly of roses.

A visible lack of dust can be seen in a 40ft diameter around the ogre. Approaching the ogre will result in a very rapid series of 1d6 wrestling moves being applied on any creature on object capable of severely breaking bones and spraining muscle as the ogre attempts to fold any creature or object into the shape of a fern, which is then thrown to a random part of the room.


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