D24.188 Bladespinner's Workshop

The bottom of a large windmill 200ft in diameter made of rhyolite bricks the size of a person. Numerous colossal brass bricks turn high in the ceiling held up by massive steel beams. Parked at the centre is what appears to be cylindrical contraption with wheels with numerous vents between numerous six large ball bearings attached to its bottom. 

Should a creature approach this contraption, the vents will suddenly light up and erupt with blazing light. Thereafter, steam ejects from these vents as blades emerge from the cylinder rapidly intent on slicing all things in its path allowing it to attack 2d6 times per turn.

The contraption moves up to 120ft rapidly, and occupies 20ft of space, and will charge at any nearby creating at whim.

When exposed to intense flame near its vents, it may overheat and temporarily become inactive for around 12 seconds before being rapidly cooled by runes of Frost inscribed on its surface.

Should the contraption be destroyed, one may climb into the interior of the contraption from the vents to discover the charred, fragmented remains of a dwarf and an adamantium ring with the mark of a Chisel, which may be used to open some unique locks. 


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