L24.188 Chakram Seat

 A highly odd throne found in the ruins of the Dhar Kalagra - a Dhirvian ruin first discovered by the adventurer Khileas the Macenailed. Far from most seating implements the throne appears to be a round, bladed chakram the size of a person, which remains sharp to the point where simply touching it lets blood. What has led to its naming as a throne appears to be remains of a skeletal lower body seated unnaturally atop the blade with its legs folded, alongside many other normal but smaller thrones of Dhirvian make arranged neatly around the throne room.

Dhar Kalagra sits in the swamp of Jilareka - a region of bark a weeks travel by Chameleon from the Helanthic Sprig. Much of its underbelly is heavily waterlogged impeding further exploration. Currently efforts are made by the Ruin Seekers' guild to draw out the water and is said to be sponsored by the Librareiter Ghanwhol the Rooted.


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