L24.183 Soreflesh Ascetics

 A group of ascetics devoted to the path of the Soresaint - said to have attained a transcendent physique through a rigorous process of self mutilation by strike one's body against bark repeatedly until sores formed, followed by meditating within pools of natural acid to cause these sores to be maintained and hardened to the point they form a layer of protection across the body. 

Due to the lack of a consistent scripture - as the Soresaint never spoke a word - there are many schools of Soreflesh across the Spoke which interpret the asceticisms of the Soresaint differently. The largest of these schools is the Brairflesh Sect, which recommends drinking a concoction of highly concentrated Bramblemint whilst attempting to withstand damage from jumping down great heights, which is recorded by many to cause the development of bristly soreflesh - one of the sacred characteristics of the Soresaint's body.


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