D24.208 Rootwall Commons

 Commons of the frontier city Rootwall, spanning 300 x 400ft. The city is built from numerous tall, dense dwarven architecture ravaged by numerous poisonous, spiny vines bearing shades of green and purple. Occasionally large blooming fungus-flowers with petals of highly reflective copper can be found which release mists of poison that cause creatures to go berserk and unable to tell friend from foe. When navigating the commons, roll 1d6 to determine an encounter:

1. a group of 2d6 dwarven skeleton knights clad in adamintine arms and armor made berserk by copperflowers

2. a destroyed cart of healing provisions, surrounded by thorny vines

3. 1d6 berserking prisoner ogre miners dual wielding pickaxes covered in thorny vines 

4. a colossal thorned vine blocks the way, surrounded by crushed remnants of dwarven architecture. One trained in herbalism may be able to extract plant matter that can be tinctured into berserk inducing poison

5. a horde of 5d6 dwarven soldier zombies possessed by copperflowers wielding pikes and large shields. Roll 1d6 again. On a 5 or 6, twin acid dragons Thragfor and Thraglorn swoop in to release their acid breath on all creatures in the area.

6. part of Thragfor and Thraglorn's stash which contain large amounts of treasure. Roll 1d6 again. On a 1, the twins will not be present which presents an opportunity to steal from them. After 1d6 turns, the dragons will return and attack all creatures in the area. 


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