L24.203 Sickle-sword Urtu

A legendary sickle-sword wielded by the farmer-king Tarhtu, the mythical founder of the Seekers' Empire, a nomadic empire built upon the Moving Ruin-City Alacasat.

When Alacasat was in slumber, Tarhtu, while attempting to rescue his bride who fell into a sinkhole, discovered a Dhirvian ruin, plagued by Varashaktee, the Resplendent Chameel nursing it's grievous wounds by supping from Alacasat's font of energies. 

Sneaking close to the ailing Chameel, Tarhtu, and with Urtu, cut the vital tendon of Varashaktee, slaying her and restoring Alacasat to its mobile vigor.

The sword is said to be stored in Shrine Tarhtara and is used in ceremonies to annoint new monarchs


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