D24.184 Garthnok's Hoard

An oddly resilient construction platform composed of fungal planks and brass nails, upon which lies a knee deep sea of copper coins. A throne of leather lies near the edge of the platform on which a very old goblin in rags named Garthnok, who slumbers holding onto a 7ft long fungiwood stick with a keen edge.

Due to his age, Garthnok, barely remembers his own name but his masterful instincts are imbued in his muscles. He hides the corpses of numerous adventurers who attempt to steal from him underneath the coins, requiring around 10 minutes to dig from the sea of coins.

Upon hearing a loud sound, he begins sleepfighting and somersaults rapidly to attack thieves with his long stick, demonstrating an ungodly mastery of swordplay as he is capable of striking 1d6 times in a 10ft radius, and move up to 60ft.

His abilities greatly diminish when he is fully awoken, after which he begins to look about listlessly, not knowing what to do.


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