D24.185 Prison of the Lothgem

Lothgem, a hideous uncut spinel the size of a fist levitating above a tarnished silver pedestal, surrounded by walls made of mosaics of precious jewels depicting praying Dwarven monks. 

It is dull to the point it darkens the light about it. When held, it repels all manner of jewels, crystals and precious stones, and may even repel magical precious stones when on a 1 of a 1d6 roll. 

The Lothgem is sentient but reticent, and utterly despises all creatures who wear any sort of precious jewelry, and may forcefully repel such creatures adornments depending on its whims. Conversely, it likes the company of tarnished, rusty or scratched stones and may decide to accompany those adorned by them.


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