L24.208 Nuthkm, Goddess of Doused Ash

A minor goddess of the Hundexac underbark region found on the Banded Qeleres. Due to the great inaccessibility of the region caused by high densities of banded thorns in the Hundexac Underbark, cultures that developed within greatly differ from those of the surface with Nuthkm being part of a unique pantheon of the Thousand Deities worshipped by the underbark kingdoms of Qrulu, Udmur and Aagasaat.

Nuthkm is primarly worshipped by farmers and herbalists who as part of the ritual of crop cultivation erect pillars of wet ash which trickle across their fields. Ash must be doused by waters from a Cave Shrine of Nuthkm, which possess strange properties that cause ash to snake about fields to deliver bounty to various plants. In these shrines, Nuthkm is depicted as a woman holding a two vases - one receiving water from the cave ceiling, which travels through her body to release water from the other.


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