D24.212 Chamber of Lesser Imperative

A room of made of slate tiles 80ft in diameter. A large cylinder rises from the centre. Half of the cylinder appears to have a long handle 30ft in length and the other half bears a cage made of silver that holds numerous jellyfish at the centre of the room.

When a creature enters a room a commanding force emanates from the jellied cylinder which commands the creature to push the handle in a clockwise direction. Those with weak willpower may do so for up to 1d6 hours unless the command is magically dispelled.

Every hour of constant rotation, more jellyfish enter the cylinder making the command harder to resist.

Rotating the handle in the opposite direction transfers jellyfish out of the room through a pipe above.

When all jellyfish are gone, one may find a small crystal box in the cage which contains an enchanted bronze key depicting a minotaur, and a gem on which are carved runic inscription describing the command issued by the jellyfish. This inscription may be reverse engineered by one attuned in the arcane in 3d6 days minus their skill in arcane.


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