
Showing posts from January, 2024

D24.30 Ringfall Pool

A 240x240ft cavern at the centre of which is a pool and a tall rock 40ft in diameter. The top of the rock spews cursed silver rings and water that cause illusory immolation when worn. Those with True Sight are able to tell that the rings are not actually real, but conjured by a colossal centipede that lurks under the pool preying on any tools who wears a ring who seek to douse their illusory flames in the pool.

L24.30 Voiddrinker

Voiddrinker is a mythical creature greatly involved in the vernacular Bhumarewan creation myth. It takes the form of a colossal Aadvark who, born of nothingness , drank the void until it grew to a gargantuan size. Unable to drink any further but still thirsting, it took another sip, causing it to burst in an explosion which formed the early cosmos. It is said it's want for drink created souls and explains the thirst in all creatures, it's lungs formed the Anthre and it's bowels formed the infernal Rsplendence, and it's bones and veins formed the Qeleres.

D24.29 Bellblind Maze

A maze composed of 30ft wide corridors of 50ft tall invisible bells. The maze takes 10d6 moves to complete. Every time a move is made, roll 1d6: 1. Dead end 2. junction 3. Straight path 4. Creature, and roll 1d6 again. 5. Dead end with treasure 6. Trap, and roll 1d6 again. If all branches are dead ends, one of them is actually a hidden wall. Invisible tigers lurk the maze and will flock to the source of a bell's sound when they are struck.

L24.29 Fhelbilt

Fhelbilt - an arcane construct of the ancient Dhirvians. It is a warped cuboid with a point at its front around 30ft in height, 40ft in length and 20ft in width. Strange sickle like blades in four groups of four are attached to its underside forged of an unknown white metal. First discovered by Loreseeker Vhuran who uncovered the ruin of Khar Dhirun located deep in the Grainsea.

D24.28 Stone Clogged Ogre's Lair

A 200 x 60ft cavern. Walls and floor of limestone made slippery from the water that drops from numerous stalactites above. An ogre wielding a giant great sword sits at the end of the cavern drinking from the drops of water from the liquid above. The ogre wears large stone clogs that allows it to slide across an additional 10ft when it moves. It will attack any creature that approaches it. It has a hoard of gold and 1d6 magical weapons and armor each.

L24.28 Framedew Tack

A confection native to The Violet City. Made from dew jelly held into the shape of a rectangle composed of hardtack half the size of ones palm. It possesses a sweetness like honey balanced by the slightly savory blandness of the hardtack about it. Served servings of three in most culinary establishments in Bhumarewa.

D24.27 Soulpiercer Pass

 A winding 240ft long, 30ft wide cliffside passage beside a ravine 60ft wide. Across the ravine are colossal scultpures of ants with bared pincers lining every 60ft along the passage. Every time a creature passes a scultpture, roll 1d6. On a 1,  it fires an invisible bolt in the direction of the creature, which can only be sensed by those with instinctual wisdom. When it strikes the creature, their soul becomes damaged. Roll 1d6. On a 1, the creature loses an ability which can only be restored through magick, otherwise the creature takes permanent damage to maximum health.

L24.27 Whendesie

Whendesie - a famous epic poem by Khampt, Talescribe of Fhathamar, one of the Petty Kingdoms of Gruntheld, who served in the Court of Sorcerer King Dhaeastheika. Whendesie tells the tale of a Soldier from the ancient kingdom of Croth, who fought, stacked against the odds, the ancient kingdom of Dhalanx. After his success, he took a perilous journey back home, surmounting obstacles presented by numerous mythical beasts - the most impressive of all was the slaying of the gargantuan Anthrant named Bhuludun, whose carapse he cut to form the floating raft Baladundir which he sailed alongside 50 of his men returning safely to his kingdom.

D24.26 Bridge of Petrified Stonefish

 A  narrow 30ft x 300ft bridge composed of schools of fish petrified in place forming an arc across a vast bottomless ravine. A fish can be unpetrified using Greater Restoration, yielding a precious Medicinal Sardine that when boiled creates a potion of healing. The fish at the middle of the bridge are enchanted with grease, and will cause creatures to slip when stepped on.

L24.26 Powderleaf

 A substance of ground leaves that fills the large bodies of lakes, brooks that form veins across the branchscape. Powderleaf lakes, rivers and ponds are home to a myriad of creatures including chitinous penguins, seals and antfish. Coastal civilisations such as the Khangonaean Petty Kingdoms have in history formed ear sources of powderleaf with the most advanced being the Aadzolaean Technocracy who dwell within their floating cities wreathed in mist.

D24.25 Silverfolk Congregation

A 300x400ft cathedral. 10d6 humanoids encased in silver stand In a cone before a dwarf in a similar condition. They are made of solid silver except for a few that are pretending to be petrified in silver who will attempt to sneak attack creatures that approach it with knives of Silverfaction, that on failed resistance will cause the body to become encased in silver within 2d6 turns. Silverfaction may be only dispelled with Greater Restoration. Dispelling the existing humanoids reveals a body long deceased but with a lingering soul that may reveal some secrets.

L24.25 Springbright

The Springbright, was a period recorded in the histories of numerous civilisations across the Spoke, and coincided with the outbreak of deadly famines, collapse of rule, brutal barbarism, and most dire of all the proliferation of Creatures of the Resplendence who tarnish the Qeleres with their vile aura, held back only by the bounty of the Grainseas which anchor the rooted Qeleres within the realm. But it was also this same period during which many heroes of the branchscape rose from obscurity to bring order to the realm.

D24.24 Bundlebeasts' Lair

A 60ft x 300ft cave. The floor, walls and ceiling are made of furroot, grasslike plants that look like fur. Stalks of cotton and hemp grow along their cracks. 2d2 Bundlebeasts lurk at the end of the cave. They are hippo like creatures with 40ft long tongues made of flesh composed of fabrics. They despise metal and will spit out sticky carpets to restrain any metal items, and will prioritize the consumption of non-metal fabrics even if they are worn by other creatures. They have a hoard of 1d6 precious magical items made of fabric and expensive reams of Thermetipede silk which they are trying to digest, but to no avail.

L24.24 Khalgar, Grandservant of Ryescythe

Khalgar is the Fourth Grandservant of the Ryescythe Clique, a secret society of assassin-farmers who secretly worship the Profaned Sorrel the Cusprye Eternal, said to be have ascended the Spoke to the Axis of the Lone Mount, only accessible through performing the rigorous initiation of the Ryescythe. Khalgar is said to work as a tiller of fields in a farm somewhere in the Thulkaman Serfdom a chaotic dominion run by a council of serfs, who in their numbers and magics unknown puppeteer nobles and merchants to do their bidding. He is said to be responsible for the assassination of Fhruthigal, Mindcleaver, a hero from Yhrenu who once threatened the upheaval of the Serfdom.

D24.23 Galdrun Hippodrome, Northern Gallery

Part of the subterranean Galdrun Hippodrome is a heavily ruined gallery 450ft long and 60ft wide. Rows of heavily ruined seats incline towards the north offering clear view of the center of the Hippodrome which has no floor and reaches into the abyss. Colossal stalagmites pierce through pockets of spaces 30ft in diameter, which swarms of stone termites gnaw at stonework objects. 2d6 adult Thermetipedes lurk along these termites and will ambush creatures given the opportunity.

L24.23 Xhumect of Twenty Twigs

Xhumect of Twenty Twigs, Mad warrior of transcendent accomplishment. Wielder of fallen, broken twigs of the Qeleres, he wields each of the with transcendental proficiency.  Known for the dreadful Slaughter of Scales, where he singlehandedly slaughtered 2000 soldiers of both the armies of Bright and Dark each during the Battle at Yadfer Pass of the Sumac War, and slew the hero Gebisus the Shaderider, causing both armies to retreat.

D24.22 Tilespinner's Gullet

A round room 500ft in diameter. Walls of polished, undulating red granite. A rectangular gap 300ft in width bisects the room. A perpetual gust blows upwards from the abyss within the gap, sending large floor tiles of various sizes shooting up to a large hole above. When a creature moves across the gap, roll 1d6. The result determines the duration in turns it takes for the tile to reach enter the hole above. Those sufficiently dextrous may use them to get across the gap. Anything that covers the gap will be subject to significant blunt damage.

L24.22 Qulashalag, Scintillating Crawpent

Qulashalag, Scintillating Crawpent. Accursed mount of the Seductress of Light Shineword Coldwhisper. Misbegotten of an unholy union of an infernal Brightsnake and a colossal Scintillating Crawfish orchestrated by the Seductress. It lurks the deep battle-cities of Vjar-Ahdul, now long abandoned crumbling ruins of civilisation's shattered struggle for the Brightlands. Though his master, the Seductress had long been smote by Shadeking Dithramesa, Qualashag mount escaped to the Infernal Resplendence, and restored part of his strength

D24.21 Altar of Corpulent Breeze

A cube room 200ft on each side.  Effervescent viscous air bubbles in the air from miniature statuettes that scatter the quartz floor. Every time a step is taken an a creature proves a lack of agility roll 1d6. On a 1, a statuette is crushed underfoot causing a bubble 20ft in diameter to emerge, tripping creatures and lifting them up to the ceiling. On a 6, a bubble collides with a creature, repelling them opposite their direction of travel by 20ft.

L24.21 Glass Bellows of Kolontin

Deep within the dark fissures of Qelerian bark, past the webbed halls of Zemthir Lost, are a network of glass plated tunnels that converge to a colossal furnace of blazing darkness, fuelled by the fabled Glass Bellows of Kolontin, said to be shaped by the ancient Dhirvians who are said to have deep within the Bark for centuries before being wasted into oblivion for reasons unknown to this day even as the bellows continue it's eternal labours, now enjoyed by appreciators of Bubbling mudsprings.

D24.20 Altar of Wells

 A round platform 300ft in diameter, skirted by a drop leading into the foggy depths offset 100ft from the platform. The ground is of quartz, and the walls of basalt. Three wells are arranged in a row, bisecting the platform. A well made well of purple flagstone. It is empty. When a magic item is dropped into it, it is filled to the brim with 30 bottles worth of Potion of Restoration. The magic item will lose its effects consequently. A coarsely made well of silver. The interior of the well is tarnished black. When a bottle of poison is dropped into it, it is filled to the brim with 30 bottles worth of Deadly Poison that deals 2d6 poison damage when tipped, or 10d6 poison damage when a full bottle is drunk. A well made of masterfully pruned wood. When a fruit is dropped into it, it is filled to the brim with 30 bottles worth of juice of that fruit. Applies to even magical fruits. When a well is used, it takes 2 years before it can be used again. 

L24.20 Slugrarion, Arm of Five Eyes

Said to have once been the left arm of Sorcerer King Mjensithaea. It is pale white due to preservation through Clouded Honey. Its hand has dainty fingers with nails painted in gold. Across the arm are ecotplasmic eyes with cataracted irises of five colors. It is said in ancient tomes that when Mjensithaea beheaded the Saintess in Jade with her palm, the Saintess' virulent Scintrose took root in her arm.  Calling upon forbidden magicks of the Gray Star, Mjensithaea sacrificed one eye of each of her Witches of Five Seasons, to seal the Scintrose within her arm using the Witches' sorcerous vision to hold it at bay.  This arm is coveted by the Jadestar Cult who believe that its unsealing would lead to the ressurection of their beloved Saintess, though its whereabouts are unknown.

D24.19 Hall of the Cuirass

 A 200ft x 600ft corridor. The ground, walls and ceiling is made entirely of plate cuirasses. Due to the round nature of the cuirass, those not deft enough may slip on them. The cuirasses are adhered by a magickal force that can be dispelled using magicks that dispel magickal effects, but only one spell can dispell one cuirass. 

L24.19 Cradle of Naughtgold

 Cradle of Naughtgold, coat of arms depicting an obsidian palanquin surrounded by levitating stirrups of cobalt. An insignia borne by members of Hermit Lord Kalaxacru's invisible army who attacked the Fort of Mehgnis, a fort basalt surrounded by a vast moat of blazing milk of magnesia at the frontier of the Shrouded Nest.

D24.18 Chalk Bridges

 A 240 x 300ft cavern that drops down into oblivion. 1d6 bridges naturally sculpted from the chalk walls nearby bridge various sides of the cavern at different heights. Every time a creature weighing more than 200 lbs moves across the bridge a crack forms on the bridge. When there are 6 cracks, the bridge gives way. 2d6 invisible moths the size of bears lurk along the walls who escape when attacked. Consuming their heads grant temporary invisibility for 1d6 turns.

L24.18 Scentfleeced Cloak

Weaved from the fleece of scentfleeced porpoise that flies in the lower strata of the Anthre. Scentfleece is exceedingly hard to fashion as it is composed from materialised fragrance, yet is fully tangible and magically erases scent. The last person known to possess this article was Axedame Finafiran who ruled the frozen lands of Ghwaxac and was said to have obtained it at a lost ruin at the Ghwaxac's highest peak, Vhiragure.

D24.17 Thalagrum's Paddy

A terraced paddy of multicolored soil that surrounds a large basalt pillar 60ft in diameter. Every terrace is 100ft wide and drops 20ft the further they are from the pillar. All spells related to plants are bestowed a random elemental property and are twice as effective. When a plant related spell is successful, roll 1d6. On a 1, an elemental fruit is borne from the conjured plant which bestows lesser resistance to the element. 5d6 blind albino minotaur labourers hoe with mithral hoes, at the barren fields endlessly. They will defend themselves when attacked. 

L24.17 Grand Pollen Dryrmand

An arcane balloon 20 leagues in diameter that comprises the ancient magic district of the empire of Drumyraea. The work of Magistress Khulaepranu of Steel. During the Grand Sacking of Drumyraeris, the capital of Drumyraea, powerful forces converged, and terrible destruction was wrought. As a means to preserve her archives, Magistress Khulaepranu conjured forbidden magics to coalesce the whole magic district around a steel ball which now floats high in the Anthre. It is said only the most accomplished Soarers can reach to Dryrmand where one may find both glory in uncovering treasures of a lost empire, or find their doom from Khulaepranu's creatures of steel..

D24.16 Foursprout Depression

A room 250ft in diameter. Four alabaster plant stalks 30ft in diameter converge to the center drooping downwards by 30ft at 50ft height and each suspend a large jade pear-like fruit around 10ft diameter. Below these fruit is a sloped depression 50ft in diameter. All creatures in this depression are slowed, and pulled to the ground. A Cube of directed weight is embedded in each fruit which causes a similar effect in the direction its user wills at a quarter of the effect, but can be combined when positioned in a similar formation.

L24.16 Marblestorm

A dangerous weather phenomena that occurs in the western Dremrik regions. Round marbles of translucent material the size of a fingertip rain from the high-anthre in torrential showers. When showers convene it creates a maelstrom of marbles causing painful bruises and damage to structures. According to Librareiter Edrekae of Sealed Tomes, Marblestorms are cause by the anatomy of anthre-weaving Soarpoises whose bellies condense anthre matter which falls as a rain of marbles when it becomes too heavy.

D24.15 Toothvault

A 200ft x 300ft cave. Cave formations such as stalactites, the ground and ceiling here all made of coagulated blunt white teeth. When unarmored creatures forcefully collides on any part of the cave, roll 1d6. On a 1, they take 1 piercing damage. The cave is home to 1d6 floating Sonic Tadpoles that will attack any creature they hear within 50ft of them. They can release an ultrasound blast which propels creatures (who are unable to stand their ground) by 1d6 x 10ft away from them.

L24.15 League of Cranes

League of Cranes. A group of peacekeeping sword-nuns said to follow the teachings of the arts of Anthreblade Xelecxeles, Beholder of Balance, a reformed Infernaean who was converted by Hermetisaint Ihlihim as his third miracle. The sword nuns convene every 4 cycles at a barkmount near the Infernal Resplendence to share insights in their cultivation of blade and balance.

D24.14 Stairhewer's Oubilette

A round room 200ft in diameter. A starbranch cage 50ft in diameter is suspended above a pool of oil. In the cage is a undead dwarf in full plate armor with glazed glowing eyes and beard grown to a length of 20ft suspended in air by hand shackles. He is Culwavin, Stairhewer, a notorious kinslayer imprisoned centuries ago when Craagveald was still a Mountain home. Releasing him requires 5 enchanted keys, and the resolution of a puzzle sphere submerged in the oil which will begin to heat to a boil when a creature enters it. When released Culwavin will attempt to kill any creature near him by manifesting axes from any metal objects near him, including any non magical metal items that a creature possesses. With each attack, a complete stair is hewn either going up or going down to the nearest cavity. This ability can be gained by eating Culwavin's bones or by using them as a wand in which case each bone the size of a forearm has 30 charges before having to recharge 1d6 charges per day.

L24.14 Bushelbeast

A colossal beast the size of a city, that roams the Tectonicks of Qeleres. Shrubbery and flowers or disparate likeness grow upon their sharp mudfur, creating a thicket as it's covering. It also bears two colossal tusks of grown Bramber.  It is said the Arched City was built from the remains of a primordial Bushelbeast, with its Sacred Twin-Brambarches being a vestige of its gargantuan physique.

D24.13 Acqueduct of Neutrality

An 200ft wide stone acqueduct, stretching nearly 600ft ahead into a tunnel ahead. This stone acqueduct is filled with knee-deep water concentrated with neutral enchantments that damage creatures of non-neutral alignment by 1 every 2 turns. Neutral water slimes and acid slimes may drop from stalactites in the ceiling above in search of unsuspecting prey.

L24.13 Urascuar, Harlot of War

 Urascuar, Harlot of War - Wielder of Agranahim, Hammer of Vortices, one of Humidinim's hammers said to be able to conjure immense wind vortices that would displace hordes at will. Her title is said to be self-bestowed to express her passion for warfare. She possesses the largest harem-army out of the Hammers of Humidinim.  As alluded to by her title, prefers the pursuit of conquest, and,despite the chagrin of the Seeker Elders, is allowed to do as she pleases due to the amount of funds she provides the Seekers of the Eye through her various military and economic exploits that has culminated in her crowning as Shadeking of the bountiful fief of Yrom at the close of the War of Slugs.

D24.12 Anteway of Oil

A 300ft long pathway 240ft tall and 60ft wide. It is completely flooded with purple oil. The hall is packed with oil breathing seahorses that will fire jets of air at creatures that approach it for 1 damage every 5 minutes. They will not pursue. A secret switch on the left wall opens a passage that goes up to an air pocket that contains an invisible orb of bubble that creates a 5ft diameter air bubble around itself.

L24.12 Staff of the Blind Herd

 Fabled relic of an age, aeons ago. Said to be held by the first Shepherd of Frogstock, who led the exodus of frogs from Parnch, the Infernal Root to the wetter, more hospitable region of Tganran. It bears the likeness of a frog with three eyes, with all of them shut. To the hermit-sages of Qivhan, the staff is a symbol of foresight, and some fashion similar staves as a focus in seeking enlightenment. The people of the Asetic Theocracy of Thriog also fashion amulets of similar likeness, and it is said all people of that polity are bestowed this accessory at birth.

D24.11 Corridor of Diamond Buttons

A 600ft long corridor 60ft wide of rough hewn Xenotime walls and intricately engraved Xenotime floors. Every 50ft length is punctuated by a sphere cut diamond which projects a sensory illusion that a nearby creature fears the most. They are Diamonds of Illusion Storing, and prying them from the ground allows the storage of a powerful illusory spell within it which will recharge upon use at dawn every day.

L24.11 Prahfar, Venerable Librareiter

 A kilnmolded librareiter of Jaalcrun, the Mired Archive. One of the few 10 librareiters in the Firm Qeleres. Said to have lived over 3,000 years, and rode his colossal Library for over 2,000 years, he once served the Drumyraean Empire during his days as a mortal Court Geomancer.  After predicting the empire's fall having seen its currency being excessively debased, he sought discharge, and made hermitage in a floating swamp.  There, he fashioned his first Books from soarmud. Over centuries, the floating swamp was transformed into the Archive Jaalcrun.  He is said to have prolonged his life after receiving tutelage from Raramaea the first Kilnmolded. Presently, it is said that Jaalcrun floats above the wild Sailweed Tectonic, rumored to house the Invisible Scriptures of Loresaint Drumand.

D24.10 Lodeblade Rotunda

 A 500ft x 500ft x 500ft cube room. At the centre lies a rotunda 300ft in diameters comprising 10 brown colossal greatswords 300ft tall, 20ft thick, and 100ft wide arranged in a circle, propping up a colossal pommel of 400ft in diameter. Magnetic items are attracted to the blades of these greatswords, and numerous ferrous paraphernalia are stuck onto each of these blades. Those strong or smart enough to pry them must roll 1d6, which will yield on 5 - a metallic weapon, 1 - a metallic magic item, and the rest yielding trivial ferrous items. At the center of the rotunda is a Dysprosium Estoc of Lightning extremely tightly sheathed in tall dais. When removed, the greatswords lose their magnetic properties and begin  to collapse inwards to the centre.

L24.10 Krurumes, the City of Violet

Krurumes, the City of Violet is the seat of the grand fief of Bhumarewa ruled by 4 council Marshalls who elect a Grand Marshall among themselves annually to lead their small fiefdom.  Though small in territory they are treated carefully by other larger forces around them as they form the bulwark around the Shrouded Nest, which was demonstrated during their repelling of the Shrouded Procession 300 years ago. The city's geography is much like the rest of Bhumarewa, scarred by rifts of blue water, and as such it is known for its colossal bridge-built districts suspended across numerous rifts, rooted firmly along their cliffs which are similarly covered in cliffhomes connecting the surface and intricate network of waterways.

D 24.9 Hall of the Turpine

Room constructed from a cylindrical section of 200ft in diameter and 600ft in depth. Smouldering blue vapors emerge from colossal pipes at the rounded bottom of the room which cause gearlike segments pine-cone like device forged of dark bronze to rotate.  These segments are lathed in slippery oil which are actually oil slimes which will attack any creature which comes close enough to them. A ceiling and wall suspended platform skirts the pinecone device connecting the ends of the room and providing access to the core of the device via 5ft wide aisles.

L24.9 Order of the Blind Gibbous

A warband of lawful paladins who swore and oath of blindness, wearing blindfolds of black anointed with sacred starch, a sign of their unwavering faithfulness to the Goddess of the Eclipse, Wedwe. Order was founded by a repentant traitor of the Cult of the Eclipse who tore out his eyes after being seduced by the Cold Bright due to the machinations of the Shineword Coldwhisper, but was saved by the Martyress of Shadow Welevae.

D24.8 Basalt Ear

A round room of 200ft diameter that widens in a conical fashion to 500ft in diameter. Walls of and floor of hexagonal basalt. At the centre of the room is basalt carved a colossal ear of wheat with 10 berries at the base of which are numerous smaller sculptures of the same subject. A number of stone rats wearing pointed hats are carved around the berry of each berry. Each berry is actually illusory and objects can pass into it entering a field of petrifaction created by an Orb of Pratifaction which polymorphs creatures 5ft about it into a rat while petrifying them into basalt.

L24.8 Aphervald, Smokelance

Lost weapon of the barbarian hero Xiruthail the Unobscured, with which he slew Qexsygh, Vizier of Ilugmed, Profaned City of Mirrors.  Aphervald is smokeform allowing it to take the form of dark smoke and materialize as a 20ft long lance at her user's will. When in smokeform, all creatures within a radius of 20ft of the user are unable to see clearly and may have coughing fits if unattuned to smoke.

D24.7 Quicksnow Tomb

An oval cavern 180ft x 300ft. The cavern walls are comprise frigid permafrost which are hugged by a skirt of solid ice 5ft wide. Beyond this skirt is a layer of fine snow at the center of which is a colossal skeletal hand with fingers the size of a man. On the index finger is an electrum ring set with an aquamarine the size of human head. Creatures who step on the snow will begin to sink slowly deeper up to a depth of 80ft.

D24.6. Rift of Cerulean Magma

A 500ft x 500ft room of slippery limestone walls, and flagstone tiled floor. It is cleft into half by a natural rift 60ft in width which bisects the room. Blazing cerulean light from the magma at the bottom of the rift gives off scalding heat that deals 1 damage per minute inside it. Along the rift's steep cliff are clusters of jewelled moss worth 50 GP a handful, which is capable of curing frostbite when made into a salve and applied on affected areas for at least 1 month.

L24.7 Scintrose

 A terrible illness which causes flower-like marks to form on the skin of the infected. These flower-like marks emit colored light which is considered a bad omen by many civilisations save those of the Shrouded Nest whose Saintess was said to have Scintrose across and within her body. As the disease advances, the marks become more detailed, until the point actual Brightflowers actually bloom upon the skin of the infected. At this point the flowers release an infectious pollen which spreads by air to infect others.

Sketch of Calamupa

  A sketch of the world of Calamupa, with labels of all areas mentioned by each text in Lore24.

L24.6 Velviclarient

 An ancient instrument common in the Grainsea regions of rooted Qeleres. Woven from the threads of glossy golden Scarab Silk, it is blown from its rounded end releasing a clear high pitched sound from it's conical end. It is common for the Velviclarient to be imbued by Instrumentalist timbro-spatial magicks - allowing the storage of a few items in one's local void, as was the tradition when Velviclarient players used to roam the lands alone to spread their musick in emulation of Virtuoso Tresec of Honeyed Silence who, aeons ago, calmed the Colossal Graven Chruchrumor - coaxing it into a eternal slumber.

D24.5 Embula's Mount

A 300x300ft chasm in which is a five sided pyramid composed of ten finger-thin threads of steelweb converge from nearby walls to a mount at the middle 200ft higher. The lower end of each thread hangs a steel ring capable of launching a thread of steel in the direction it's wearer points within a range of 400ft. When one of the rings are removed, the pyramid collapses and falls to the chasm below. This releases a seal that binds a portion of the power of the Mantis beast, Crundleheld of Twenty Blades.

L24.5 Saltbreather Chameel

An ancient creature born of the Infernal Resplendence. The size of 10 giant chameleons, of alabaster plummage. It wades volumes of bright by virtue of its Amber Gizzards and furred, salt caked innards grinding together, causing sparks of light to arc to surfaces around it's body. It has a terrible breath of white salt that emerges it large toothless mouth. Between crystals of salt, arcing light from its belly forms a plexus of infernal magick capable of turning all that it touches into dust save things annointed with oils of shadow, or forged from invisible void-steel. One such Chameel named "Humidinim Disgraced" was said to be responsible for the sundering of the ancient city of Mhregeka, and ate half of the body and hammers of the fabled hero Humidinim, Damsel of Nine Hammers, after a savage melee that left Humidinim dead, and the Chameel losing one of it's Amber Gizzards which is now said to be the a sacred relic of Humidinim's followers who formed the Seekers ...

D24.4 Siltweaver's Corridor

A 60ft by 500 ft corridor. The first 60ft of the corridor rests a large slab of grey stone. The rest is a chasm that stretches 400ft, punctuated with another 40 ft of stone. There are numerous scratches of white along the sides of the corridor, alongside a large depression on the face of the wall on the other end.  Upon receiving weight, the slab hurtles at immense speed towards the other side. Creatures that fail to hang on will slip and fall.  The slab overshoots the other end and slams against the limestone cavern wall. Creatures who are still on the slab will experience the same fate. At the same time, another slab emerges from the darkness below, producing another slab at the start of the corridor.

L24.4 The Jadestar Cult

 The Jadestar Cult - Excerpt from "Records on Schools of Esoteric Thought" by Khunmelde, Lieutenant-Librarian of Khrakagar. Red Chitin-bound, Onyx-scale pages, Quethbug acid ink. "A cult of Skyreaders who shun the popular doctrine of the Torrid Dark.  They follow an esoteric tradition since the first sighting of the accursed Jade Star which plunged the Spoke into a ten-year long snap of great cold named the Great Cold, coinciding with the execution of their idol, the Saintess in Jade, by the Five Sorcerer Kings of the Petty Kingdoms of Gruntheld, aeons ago. Due to the association of the Great Cold and the collapse of civilisation, strife, and proliferation of vile Creatures of the Bright, the cult has been banned in numerous polities throughout the Spoke except for the accursed Shrouded Nest, enveloped in its fog of hiemal bright, home to vile Brightkin and perverted Skyreaders seeking to commune with their goddess...."

D24.3. Hall of Philters

A 80ft x 200ft room furnished with tall shelves of 525 scintillating philters of masterwork serpentine design. These philters are very fragile and shatter into tiny crystal beads when broken. When a creature opens a philter's crystal cap, roll 1d6.  On a 5 or 6, a swarm of tiny invisible Thermitipedes escape and attempt to bite the creatures flesh for 1 hit point every 5 minutes until shaken off or burnt or doused in water. On a 1, they contain Theremtipede eggs submerged in Frigid Ointment, which is able to soothe and delay the effects of Theremtipede venom. The wizened Ghaperaen Entomancer , Khiraff the Green Tongued has made the northwest his reading area for researching how to artificially mature Thermetipede larvae. He has shifted a few shelves to cordon off an area in which he has a silk couch and a fireplace.

L24.3 Sanlef Stoma

One of the landmarks of the Fruthmel Sprig. The Sanlef Stoma is a colossal ravine caked in red sand. Humid vapors gush out from its dark depths.  Due to the dryness caused by rays of scorching darkness incident on the Fruthmel Branch, it is considered an oasis in the otherwise harsh branchscape.   Most notable of the settlements around the Sanlef Stoma is Hyenia's Rest, founded 1000 years ago by the adventurer Hyenia, a spearmother of the Klethes Clan who, with her party discovered the Orb of Moisture in an ancient cave that punctured the southeastern corner of the ravine around 5 leagues deep.  Hyenia's rest is now the most busy city, in the region, and the destination for many adventurers who seek the many treasures hidden in the ravine.

D24.2 Gezhrin's Gate

The only semblance of unbroken architecture in the Vorgzie Bedrock. It marks the entrance to a set of spiral stairs hewn along the circumference of a colossal column. Gargantuan, lone carrion eating Crow-Emus of white plummage occasionally pass by to feed on the crumbling skeletons of the Bone oxen scatter cracked bedrock ground which release a warm, humid fog of white from their cracks. The ceiling of this area seems to be far above, and obscured by the wafting fog, occasionally punctured by dim bubbles of vermillion that fall to the ground and linger for a number of days before evaporating. The creatures who make this place their home avoid these bubbles.

L24.2 Bramber

Bramber - the sap from the Colossal Qelerian. Deep within it's rocky, pink salt covered stem from which it's gargantuan branches and buds sprout from. Once in 200 years a bud or growing branch leaks is orange sap forming viscous pools or hot sap at the lower strata, the largest of which is lake Unthunul home to the swarthy scaled haired peoples. Many civilisations who reside on the Qelerian mine Bramber and alloy it with other saps and sometimes bones from of the ancient scintillating Skaragi.

D24.1 Craagveald - Column Head of Bubbling Flame

 Part of the Kolus Korpec Chasm. The flat top of a colossal limestone column which is 300ft in diameter.  The only column in the Korpec unbroken by the garagantuan Thermetipedes that made it's neighbors their repast. A large orb of blazing vermilion flame levitates off a small brass plated 50ft diameter hole by 30ft. It emits translucent hot bubbles of vermilion from the size of a fist to the size of a 10ft wide sphere. Small bubbles float up, and large bubbles float downwards onto the column top or down the foggy depths. Its southern edge links to a colossal bridge of petrified web. About it's circumference spirals rough-hewn stairs that lead downwards.

L24.1 Chameleon Riders of Yrhenu

Skilled riders of nimble Chameleons capable of adhereing the the stalks and leaves of Qelerian plants.  They wield large halberds forged from Bramber, sheperd and reap the herds of Frogstock that make the same plants their pasture. While some prefer a bucolic life of herding Frogstock in groups of three to five, there are a few in who build a much greater kinship with their Chamelons, and are capable of blending into the environment. These master riders seek larger prey from hunting Mudtoads at the lower strata of the Stalks.