D24.1 Craagveald - Column Head of Bubbling Flame

 Part of the Kolus Korpec Chasm.

The flat top of a colossal limestone column which is 300ft in diameter. 

The only column in the Korpec unbroken by the garagantuan Thermetipedes that made it's neighbors their repast.

A large orb of blazing vermilion flame levitates off a small brass plated 50ft diameter hole by 30ft.

It emits translucent hot bubbles of vermilion from the size of a fist to the size of a 10ft wide sphere. Small bubbles float up, and large bubbles float downwards onto the column top or down the foggy depths.

Its southern edge links to a colossal bridge of petrified web.

About it's circumference spirals rough-hewn stairs that lead downwards.


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