L24.5 Saltbreather Chameel
An ancient creature born of the Infernal Resplendence. The size of 10 giant chameleons, of alabaster plummage. It wades volumes of bright by virtue of its Amber Gizzards and furred, salt caked innards grinding together, causing sparks of light to arc to surfaces around it's body.
It has a terrible breath of white salt that emerges it large toothless mouth. Between crystals of salt, arcing light from its belly forms a plexus of infernal magick capable of turning all that it touches into dust save things annointed with oils of shadow, or forged from invisible void-steel.
One such Chameel named "Humidinim Disgraced" was said to be responsible for the sundering of the ancient city of Mhregeka, and ate half of the body and hammers of the fabled hero Humidinim, Damsel of Nine Hammers, after a savage melee that left Humidinim dead, and the Chameel losing one of it's Amber Gizzards which is now said to be the a sacred relic of Humidinim's followers who formed the Seekers of the Eye who desire to reclaim all of Humidininim's lost weapons and slay their Chameel nemesis.

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