L24.11 Prahfar, Venerable Librareiter

 A kilnmolded librareiter of Jaalcrun, the Mired Archive. One of the few 10 librareiters in the Firm Qeleres. Said to have lived over 3,000 years, and rode his colossal Library for over 2,000 years, he once served the Drumyraean Empire during his days as a mortal Court Geomancer. 

After predicting the empire's fall having seen its currency being excessively debased, he sought discharge, and made hermitage in a floating swamp. 

There, he fashioned his first Books from soarmud. Over centuries, the floating swamp was transformed into the Archive Jaalcrun. 

He is said to have prolonged his life after receiving tutelage from Raramaea the first Kilnmolded. Presently, it is said that Jaalcrun floats above the wild Sailweed Tectonic, rumored to house the Invisible Scriptures of Loresaint Drumand.


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