D24.10 Lodeblade Rotunda

 A 500ft x 500ft x 500ft cube room. At the centre lies a rotunda 300ft in diameters comprising 10 brown colossal greatswords 300ft tall, 20ft thick, and 100ft wide arranged in a circle, propping up a colossal pommel of 400ft in diameter.

Magnetic items are attracted to the blades of these greatswords, and numerous ferrous paraphernalia are stuck onto each of these blades. Those strong or smart enough to pry them must roll 1d6, which will yield on 5 - a metallic weapon, 1 - a metallic magic item, and the rest yielding trivial ferrous items.

At the center of the rotunda is a Dysprosium Estoc of Lightning extremely tightly sheathed in tall dais. When removed, the greatswords lose their magnetic properties and begin  to collapse inwards to the centre.


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