D24.20 Altar of Wells

 A round platform 300ft in diameter, skirted by a drop leading into the foggy depths offset 100ft from the platform. The ground is of quartz, and the walls of basalt.

Three wells are arranged in a row, bisecting the platform.

A well made well of purple flagstone. It is empty. When a magic item is dropped into it, it is filled to the brim with 30 bottles worth of Potion of Restoration. The magic item will lose its effects consequently.

A coarsely made well of silver. The interior of the well is tarnished black. When a bottle of poison is dropped into it, it is filled to the brim with 30 bottles worth of Deadly Poison that deals 2d6 poison damage when tipped, or 10d6 poison damage when a full bottle is drunk.

A well made of masterfully pruned wood. When a fruit is dropped into it, it is filled to the brim with 30 bottles worth of juice of that fruit. Applies to even magical fruits.

When a well is used, it takes 2 years before it can be used again. 


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