
Showing posts from March, 2025

T25.67 The Lancebearer, Part 2.3

It was indeed this warmth that enveloped his belly that now seemed to form a cloud around his mind which he desparately fought with his as much willpower as he could muster as Domel shifted his feet about as he stood guard.

L25.67 Crescent of Sundered Sickles

 The large expanse of desert that separates the fertile lands Lal-mit and the neighboring Shur-Qamet -  the League of Seers. Shaped in the form of a crescent which partially encapsulates the west border of Shur-Qamet. Unlike various deserts found in the the heart of Ulrunir, the the Desert is known particularly for its unusual, loamy gray sand and the numerous jagged, sharp rocks that are littered throughout it - making travel exceedingly difficult as all manner of creatures save those that fly are harmed simply by treading upon it. The only peoples who dwell within the desert are the emaciated asetics of Crimson Heel - who see the tribulation of treading the desert as the most sacred acts of devotion.

T25.66 The Lancebearer, Part 2.2

Could it have been the water...? Domel thought as he was reminded of the large barrel of water from which he drank from, several turns ago. Unlike what he had expected from typical rations of water, the barrel had unusually been warmed. And though he appreciated a warm drink even during the warmer night, he knew from experience that excessive warmth brought drowsiness.

L25.66 The Wanderer

One of the Four Realms, a set of constellations observed by the Astrologers of Lal-Mit and solitary omen-readers of the bordering Shur-Qamet. Often represented in artwork as a skinny man standing on a levitating turtle, occasionally carrying a sack on a stick. The Wanderer is made of an array of 15 stars. To the Astrologers who draw their magics from the stars, the Wanderer is associated with magics of banishment and translation of space. To the Omen-readers, it represents imminent departure of the mighty.

T25.65 The Lancebearer, Part 2.1

Domel stifled a yawn as he stood up with halberd in arm along the battlements of the High Wall. A several turns after being debriefed from his sortie, he was assigned to assist the Watch through the night after which he would be given leave to recuperate from his earlier dispatch. While Domel was thoroughly accustomed to watch duty, being part of his training as a recruit, he felt unusually lethargic.

L25.65 Lesser Envoy

The factotum of the Thrones of the Heroic Covenant of Ninur-Sin. Despite their name, Lesser Envoys command great authority as they considered executors of each of the Thrones' will, bear the Bejewelled Feather wrought and studded with the material of the Throne they serve, as the symbol of their office. Each Throne has at least one Lesser Envoy, but there are cases where they may number in almost a hundred, especially in times of crisis during which the Thrones seek fine control over mortal affairs. Such an incident occurred during the War of Slugs, during which the then Throne of Ochre, Ig-Zamas employed a horde of Envoys to rally militia to defend against the Shadow Riders of the Sher-Mokas.

T25.64 The Featherstrummer, Part 6.13

Gumue and Staff continued gazing in the distance as the two gradually reached the half-way to the edge of the towering wall, which Gumue quietly scanned from afar until her eyes reached the battlements. Not a single soul in sight. Gumue and Staff both exchanged glances with each other for a moment before briskly following the trail of Glass and Pot.

L25.64 Kur-Anlil's Cast

A sacred ivory cast said to have been made from the tooth of the primordial giant snake Kur-Anlil. Kur-Anlil once terrorized the swamplands where the first settlements of the ancient Half-Serpents were lived. Though born of the same ancestral mother, Kur-Anlil bore the magical blood of the giants which bestowed him might to destroy the painstaking creations of the Half-Serpents. It was said with a concoction of fermented salted honey that the young hero Kur-Sagal intoxicated and made slothful the great giant serpent who eventually could not rise from his sleep and as a result lost all it's fangs. One of these fangs was used as the cast for the Venomous Sicklesword - Anlil-In, which Kur-Sagal's grandson Kur-Dinas used to vanquish the terrible Fettered Liger.

T25.63 The Featherstrummer, Part 6.12

A few more moments passed as they continued watching Pot's approach to the wall. And then sudden the rustle of grass came from Gumue's right, as she now saw Glass forge ahead wordlessly. Both Gumue and Staff stood still, silently as they saw Glass advance her, cloak billowing in the gradually strengthening wind that blew across them.

L25.63 Sicklegrass

A common type of grass found in Ulruniri dry plains and occasionally in rocky deserts. Known for their remarkable fruit which takes a form reminiscent of a sickle. Typically used as feed for livestock. Sicklegrass is often linked to the idiom "To draw blood with Sicklegrass" which describes the zenith of Sicklesword mastery.  While the idiom is often used by commoners with sarcasm to mock inept or arrogant sickle-fencers, it is said to have originated from a lost tale of a transcendent master of the sickle.

T25.62 The Featherstrummer, Part 6.11

The other two including Gumue herself were dumbfounded at this sight. Was it not Pot himself who suggested a discreet approach to the walls? And as though in complete disregard for his earlier ideas, the brawny Pot continued his stride towards the wall boldly.

L25.62 The Crimson Sow

A creature of good omen typically used as a symbol in the diviniation rituals of Gur-Qet, which involve the dealing of slips of bark engraved and painted with ornate pictures of of exotic creatures. Depicted as sow tinged in colors of deep red often in the process of eating a shattered sickle. The Crimson Sow represents survival against all odds and the overturning of expectations. Despite its positive implications, unlike other omens, it is never used in decorations nor or ornamentation as such accouterments are said to dilute the power of the omen.

T25.61 The Featherstrummer, Part 6.10

Soon the silhouette of the towering Wall of the Buttresses came into their view tinged in the warm darkness of the Anthre in the high. And as Pot had described in his sketch, they saw the blind spot that was now their destination. Now far from the main gate of the Buttresses, not a person was in sight in the area, and only the occasional bush and young tree grew from the mud that caked this part of the bark. "Looks like its going to be difficult to get up to the wall undetected..." Gumue remarked. But as though disregarding her observation, Pot stepped forward in the direction of the walls.

L25.61 The Green Pheasant

A creature of neutral omen typically used as a symbol in the diviniation rituals of Gur-Qet, which involve the dealing of slips of bark engraved and painted with ornate pictures of of exotic creatures. Depicted as a pheasant of a green plummage sucking in breath, standing in on one leg. The Green Pheasant represents stability and neutrality of state, equilibrium and peace.

T25.60 The Featherstrummer, Part 6.9

"Err... should we at least share our names first...?" Gumue interjected as she broke into a jog trying to catch up to the brisk walk the one-eyed woman and the brawny man broke into. The moustached man's speed matched Gumue's but he appeared to be walking at the same pace as her jogging. "Maybe I'll start first... you can call me... err.... Scarf!" Gumue blurted out the first word that came to her head. The other three continued on wordlessly before the moustached man spoke. "Staff" "Glass," the one eyed woman replied next. "Pot," the brawny man followed soon after. "Alright... err... Pot, Glass, and Staff... Let's do this!" Gumue said awkwardly as the made their way forwards.

L25.60 Archsage of Incense, Shum-Etur

The deputy of the current Cauldron of Bronze, the venerable Archsage of Cinnabar, Lar-Ishtum, whom she assists in the Cauldron's research of the secrets of health and longevity. Shum-Etur is revered by the masses of Lal-Mit, for her unusual longevity and seemingly eternal youth which is obscurbed by the ornate bronze mask she always wears. Despite being unable to behold her countenance, her youth is deduced from her unusually energetic posture and tall, shapely body which is also similarly deduced from the curvature the white robes. This stands in contrast with the majority of the long lived Archsages who typically employ the technique of diminishing to extend their lives - causing their bodies to shrink in size over time. She governs the Ayesh-Alil Region of Blooming Trees, which bear an abundance of incense woods with which she researches the secrets of Incense and their powers of divination and enhancement of the mind.