A25.193,463 Crowdragon Range

An extremely windy mountain range. Small creatures with inadequate footing may be blown off balance. Occasionally one hears the croaking chorus of distant herds of wooly toads and the cawing of crafty Crowdragons who roost and nest in the shadow of the dark blue peaks the cut the welkin like a jagged wound.

The terrain is extremely steep and precarious. It takes 3 days to cross the mountain range on foot with adequate mountain gear. Experienced riders of mountain goats may take 2 days.


1 Flock of 2d6+2 Young Crowdragons
2 Stampede of Giant Wooly Toads. Receive 3d6+42 bludgeoning damage on failure to evade the stampede.
3 Crowdragon nest with 1d6 Crowdragon eggs and 1d6 Crowdragon hatchlings. Roll 1d6 again - if roll is <3, 1 Adult Crowdragon returns to the nest. Nest also has a hoard of gems worth 2d6 * 1000 gp, a random set of +2 armor worn by a skeleton of a fallen veteran adventurer.
4 Toad Herd-wizard - Wizard HD8 riding a flying carpet, holds 3 random cursed scrolls and a +2 dagger, accompanied by 1d6 giant ghost hounds HD5. Roll 1d6 again. If roll is <3, he has lost his herd. If you have encountered a stampede and share its whereabouts, he will reward with 1 random cursed spell scroll which contains twice the power of the spell, but makes the caster cursed.
5 Ravaged Encampment. 1 portion of random supplies (rations, water). At night, it is occupied by 1d6 spectres of dead adventurers who haunt those who use the camp without making an offering of food or a proper rite of death.
6 Precarious Bridge. Roll 1d6 again - if roll is < 6, sound around the bridge is completely erased by runic inscriptions hidden by gravel and it does not sway in the wind - as it is an illusion: stepping onto the bridge causes one to pass through and fall through.

If roll is 6, the bridge functions normally, but may be destroyed by 42 points of physical or magical damage. Crossing takes 6 turns and shortens travel time across the location by 1 day. While crossing, roll 1d6, if < 3, 1d6 air elementals manifest and attack those crossing the bridge.


Name: Adult Crowdragon
AC: 18, HD: 8, Strike: 2d6 pierce twice, Spells: Magic Missile, Weak: Bludgeoning
Extremely intelligent, will flee when badly harmed.
Its shrill cry will stun creatures 40 ft around it for 1 turn (recharge on 1d6 = 6)
Its gizzards are made of with gems worth 1d6 * 1000 gp.
Name: Young Crowdragon
AC: 16, HD: 6, Strike: 1d6 pierce twice, Spells: Magic Missile, Weak: Bludgeoning
Extremely intelligent, will flee when badly harmed.
Its shrill cry will stun creatures 10 ft around it for 1 turn (recharge on 1d6 = 5 or 6)
Its gizzards are made of with gems worth 1d6 * 500 gp.
Name: Crowdragon Hatchling,
AC: 12, HD: 3, Strike: 1d6 pierce, Weak: Bludgeoning
Unable to move. Extremely hungry, may lose hostility if fed - but will otherwise caw loudly.
Its shrill cry will stun creatures 5 ft around it for 1 turn (recharge on 1d6 = 5 or 6)
Its gizzards are made of with gems worth 1d6 * 100 gp.


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