
Showing posts from October, 2024

D24.277 Plumgrove Baths

Ruins of a public bath made of sandstone 90x70ft in size. Numerous overgrown plum trees litter small craters where pillars and beams have collapsed.   Despite the age of the structure water flows from the ornately carved spouts which bear the appearance of horn-like flowers. Floating on the water are large juicy looking plums that emanate an aromatic, alcoholic scent, and are known as Ruby Plums for the remarkable ruby colored flesh, which is exceedingly rare and may fetch a high price to the right buyer.

L24.277 Critical Incense

 An extremely powerful but nearly impossible to learn technique employed by the legendary assassin Linfra. Based on the scant few who have seen Linfra's assassinations in person, a stick of incense is held horizontally facing an opponent and nearly instantly, the opponent is slain, with no visible injury on them - leaving only the scent of incense on their bodies. Based on theories from weapon masters, only one who has transcendent mastery of piercing weapons may become enlightened to an invisible power called Piercing Aura, which may be molded by those who master the aura into a condensed bolt that is theorized to be greatly enhanced by a specific type of incense which is still not known to this day.

D24.276 Snowsand Chamber

A chamber with an otherworldly atmosphere 80x60ft in size. The chamber is filled with a strange mix of extremely fine sand and snow that emanate intense auras of hot and cold. Coming into contact with this Snowsand causes various parts of a creature's body to become hot and cold at the same time, throwing one's body into disarray, depleting their constitution every hour. However, should one be able to endure such loss for up to 6 hours, one may emerge from the room with their health and constitution permanently doubled, with an additional tenth of improvement every additional hour spent, but may not be able to gain these benefits when entering the chamber again.

L24.276 Bonesap

One of the Five Coporeal Bestowments of the Spoke. Bonesap exists in varying amounts in all living creatures within the marrow of their bones and is the source of physical strength, might and vitality. Said to form dense webs that make up the core of the marrow. When one suffers severe physical injury Bonesap may be expended by the body to cause it to naturally heal - and potentially even become tempered should the injury be not too severe.

D24.275 Wintertorch Manor Anteway

Anteway of a manor completely sculpted from cloudy ice, 40x60ft in size. Numerous suits of armor shaped from ice stand on the sides of the Anteway holding halberds of ice bearing a deep hue of blue. If one does not wear a medallion of Wintertorch Manor, 1d6 statues come to life and will stand in a row to prevent further ingress. Should one attempt to charge or fly past them, they will attack with their halberds which are capable of encasing creatures in ice should they not have sufficient constitution or magical resistance. When defeated, the halberds lose their unique property, and will appear to have a lighter hue. One experienced in arcane arts may be able to guess the source of the power lies in the magic that was imbued in their core, which is drawn from a brass port near where they stand, which provides unique magic power that imbues freezing effects.

L24.275 Lotusweld Island

A secret island said to be the prison for betrayers of the Spoke who gained some measure of immortality or divinity and are thus unable to be killed. The location of the island is kept extremely secret, and its wardens are selected very carefully - known for their lack of mortal desires and lack of ability to draw upon the power of Grain. It is rumored that the indestructable soul of Halakhad the First Kernelthief is imprisoned merely on the 3rd level of the island, and there are fare more dangerous characters sealed in the deeper levels - the deepest level of which is not known. Even among all the knowledge that Librareiters possess, none possess deep knowledge of the island other than collections of rumors.

D24.274 Untouched Clinic

A clinic made of fine black ceramic tiles 40 x 80ft in size. Two rows of 8 dusty beds lie on each side of the room which ends with a large desk with numerous drawers emanating medicinal scents. The clinic is kept in perfect order and one may find a ledger of past patients in the drawers, along with an array of numerous useful medicines and herbs stocked and a silver key to a separate medicine storeroom lies in one of the drawers. No creatures occupy this area.

L24.274 Tallowseed tea

A blend of tea popular is frigid regions, or along areas tainted with Resplendence. Known for its remarkably savory taste and nutritiousness, a flask or skin of Tallowseed tea is considered a traveller's essential item as it wards from cold and hunger due to it fat that binds the tiny clusters of seeds that it encased within the wooden Tallowseed fruit that is cultivated in such regions.