D24.282 Flesh Egg Columbarium

A strange hall 200x200ft in size made of soft white clay. The clay of the hall is molded into numerous shelves which appear to hold numerous rows of head sized eggs which have a glistening red appearance like raw flesh.

When held, they wobble slightly like jelly but when pressed reveals something hard inside.

Should an egg be cut open, the insides reveal humanoid bones that seems to belong to a variety of humanoid creatures that have passed at different periods of time.

Should more than 6 eggs be cut open, a blood red puddle will approach where the last eggs were cut and from it will emerge a chicken headed humanoid demon who will attack creatures with blades of condensed smoke that impede breathing and slowly poisons.

This demon acts as the warden for the Columbarium, and cannot be harmed by normal physical attacks.


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