L25.64 Kur-Anlil's Cast

A sacred ivory cast said to have been made from the tooth of the primordial giant snake Kur-Anlil.

Kur-Anlil once terrorized the swamplands where the first settlements of the ancient Half-Serpents were lived.

Though born of the same ancestral mother, Kur-Anlil bore the magical blood of the giants which bestowed him might to destroy the painstaking creations of the Half-Serpents.

It was said with a concoction of fermented salted honey that the young hero Kur-Sagal intoxicated and made slothful the great giant serpent who eventually could not rise from his sleep and as a result lost all it's fangs.

One of these fangs was used as the cast for the Venomous Sicklesword - Anlil-In, which Kur-Sagal's grandson Kur-Dinas used to vanquish the terrible Fettered Liger.


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