T25.7 The Featherstrummer, Part 3

 "Oy! What's going on!" the red cloaked bodyguard leapt from her seat moving her hand to the handle of her sabre which she wore at her flower patterned under her cloak.

"Bandits! Bandits on chameleons!" The urgent and alarmed voice of a man came from the front of the caravan line.

No sooner had Gumue heard those words, did a loud clang ring from the bodyguard, who had just barely drew her sabre in time to block a whip which lashed towards her from a wrinkled faced, white bearded bandit in a orange striped turban riding a giant brown chameleon.

At the same time, Gumue heard the sound of feet landing on the wagon, as she turned to its source to see a young boy in a similarly patterned turban, brandishing a menacing black sickle.

Panic immediately consumed Gumue as she felt her legs freeze in place 

The whole reason why she had decided to join the caravan was exactly to avoid the situation that was currently unfolding before her.

The young boy in the turban snarled at her with eyes akin the predator looking at prey.

Alas! What she sought to avoid had now come to find her.

"Thopo!" Gumue heard an elderly man's voice yell from behind her, followed by two sharp whistles of wind flying past her left ear.

Gumue then felt pain burst from her ear as she felt a warmth leak down from her ear across her neck.

The stance of the turbaned boy lowered as he winced in pain.

A bellow of fury erupted from behind Gumue as she next felt a violent impact that threw her up in the air.

Then a shout of anguish from the boy - followed by an arc of crimson.

And as soon as Gumue's head struck the muddy ground below the wagon - light consumed her vision.


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