T25.20 The Sellsword, Part 5.5

 And so only one path seemed to have the greatest chance of success.

Yet he did not think his plans would have been interrupted by the sudden ambush of this rage-filled youth who glared and him with wrathful eyes as he struggled yet again against his bonds to no avail.

Hajer only raised an eyebrow in response to the boy.

Are you trying to kill yourself? 

That was what he conveyed with his expression as the boy winced as his bonds grew tighter in tandem with his struggle.

Then suddenly -

A rustle followed by the sound of clashing metal.

Hajer's expression turned to fury as he just barely blocked with his axe a sudden cut of the sickle from another boy who suddenly appeared from his right.

At the same moment, immense bloodlust filled his mind as he drew his second axe from his girdle.

But that bloodlust would soon be forcely quelled by himself as he kicked the other boy's belly with his foot - causing him to crumble a few feet away - winded.

Hajer's eyes narrowed as he saw the boy he kicked had only one arm - with the other bound in a blood soaked checked rag.

Without another word, Hajer turned about and marched towards the Twin Sprigs.

This was going to be a long night.


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