T25.1 The Sellsword - Part 1

Upon the Fruthmel Sprig, lay the Tildu Stoma, sister of the famed Sanlef Stoma - caked in its red sands which scatter to the Anthre by the humid breaths of the Sprig.

One establishment of sculpted red sandstone which stood in the way of the buffetting red sand was named the Wellmist Eatery - its banner, bearing the sewn image of a jar emitting a white cloud, billowing in the wind.

Seated on two seating pillows were 2 men. 

One was Unuthulian, with his scale-plated hair hiding his eyes, baring his lanky, swarthy physique as he drank chilled tea from his tiny ceramic cup.

The other was a bulky Jumian, his hair worn in typical Jumian fashion of a wave-patterned buzzcut, with an olive, stern countenance, arms folded.

Nothing sat before his side of his table unlike his peer - and it appeared as though he were waiting for his meal to be delivered to him.

The eatery sat in silence save the singing of the Sprig's breath, and the occasionally sounds of cooking in the nearby kitchen separated by a clay wall.

But the silence was soon broken by noisy slurping by the Unuthulian - which seemed to be deliberately protracted and amplified, which only ceased after an audible gulp followed by a mellow voice.

"At the start of every half-cycle, without fail, one may always find the Jumian thug in the Wellmist Eatery," the Unuthulian spoke.

"What do you want?" the Jumian replied with deep voice, clearly tinged with displeasure.


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