L25.10 Bulsun Dynasty
One of the prominent dynasties that own many barley fields, land and titles throughout Ninur-Sin. They bear the crest of three blue adzes on a white background.
The Bulsun are known for their brave and able bodied kin, calm demeanor, and justness that earns many of them the role of bodyguards, scholars, judges and officials.
They are also known for opening schools of martial arts that they use to levy greater numbers of decently skilled troops to serve defend their lands.
They are particularly known for their unquestionable servitude to the Heroine Enendi of the Emerald Throne of the Covenant, as it is said she was very close to the Matriarch ancestor of the Bulsun who swore that all those of her line would eternally be in service to Enendi's will.
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