L24.308 Oblique Tower of Ghenne

One of the ancient wonders of the Spoke built by the ancient Ghenne Empire which once dominated much of central bark-regions of the Supple Qeleres. The Oblique Tower is a complex construction that allows easy traversal to the underbark diagonally, with numerous domicilies, shops and services situated in caravanserai like stalls along every length of the tower. The end of the tower leads to the ancient Dhirvian Ruin Chelduma which is said to have once been a large academy city of the Dhirvians, which the Ghenneans considered as a Holy Site, which all rulers and some high ranking nobles were tutored in esoteric Dhirvian lore and wisdom.

According to deciphered ancient records, the Ghenne Empire were able to harness much of the remains of ancient Dhirvian artifacts to gain technological advantages over their opponents, successfully discerning the function and employing them in battle, research and agriculture.


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