L24.251 Petalmeat

Ranked the seventh among the Fifteen Culinary Bestowments, Petalmeat is made of the plump petalled Purple Periwinkle fermented in a particular tincture of the Five Foundational Wines. It is exceedingly hard to prepare as the amount of wine used to ferment the purple periwinkle varies depending on the season and the location where it is made.

Apart from its wondrously savory-sweet taste and deliciously firm texture, it is said that consuming Petalmeat bestows great amounts of luck - as such it is often served in banquets, especially after victories in war or battle - where luck is said to have been thoroughly consumed owing to the survival of the victors.

It is customary for petalmeat banquets to immediately follow after a successful siege - as each fort is likely to have a hidden stash of petalmeat.

However, it due to its fermented nature, it is highly intoxicating, and may cause very deep inebriation to the dismay of many strategists who aim to consolidate their victories with a few more days of vigilance.


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