L24.242 Twin Braidbun

 A hairstyle characteristic of the abbesses of the Darksalt Bark upon the Supple Qeleres, where many monasteries are built. Said to be modelled after the Braided Mind of the Grand Abbess whose body - after her ascension - was split by the tribes who followed her teachings as they sought them as artifacts of holy power. All parts were greedily stolen and fought over - except her mind - which bore the appearance of a walnut with a texture of coalescing braids - which struck fear in all and instilled religious fervor, which culminated in a great fanaticism in the Grand Abess' doctrine in coming generations - eventually dissolving all the tribes and forming a unique polity governed by monastic orders. As a form of reverence, all Abbesses bear the twin braidbun hairstyle - and it is strictly forbidden to wear one's hair as such unless one is recognised as an Abbess.


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