L24.227 Falsebark Lesser Qeleres

A small lesser Qeleres that orbits the Banded Qeleres. Known as the Knobby Lesser Qeleres for its strange knobby bark that greatly differs from that of the ancient Qeleri. Due to the young age of the Knobby Qeleres' crown is visible, which seems to extend from the knobs that form its scaly trunk. It is for this reason that it is known as a Falsebark, as its bark is formed by remnants of its older crowns that are cast off every thousand years, allowing the Lesser Qeleres to grow further towards the Far Reaches. 

As of growth, the regions close to the crown are frequently fraught with earthquakes, and those seeking to live near the bountiful fronds of the Knobby Crown are at risk of losing all they have built every 1000 years.


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