D24.221 Echobright Chamber

 A sonorous chamber made completely of enchanted brass 80ft in diameter. A strange marble pedestral with floral patterns stands in the center of the room. When a resonant sound is made using an enchanted instrument, the sounds get more focused within the chamber, become louder and louder and concentrate upon the central pedestal. Any item put on the pedestal will be forced to absorb the sonic energies until it breaks. While absorbing sonic energy, the pedestal will begin to emit blinding light that grows even brighter as more sonic energy is concentrated.

The pedestal is guarded by 6d6 invisible stalkers which will sneak attack all creatures who approach it, but will not leave beyond 30ft diameter of the pedestal. A magical barrier 30ft in diameter around the pedestal also deflects all rays and missiles that approach the pedestal as well, including thrown creatures.


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