D24.220 Vein of Aandruim

A tiny tunnel 20 inches in diameter made completely of natural enchanted amethyst.

The tunnel is only accessible when entering creatures are magically shrunk.

5d6 phantasmal steam breathing rats reside in the tunnel each with a hoard of steelbound termite chitin gather in a mound.

At the end of the tunnel is Aandruim, the dwarf dragon of scintillating scales whose hoard is composed of tall piles of silver dust and 3 large silver rings the size of a real finger each studded with numerous diamond grains. Only those with sufficient strength may move them, and they cannot be moved magically. Wearing the ring bestows the same ability of immunity to magically forced movement.

Aandruim will attack any who attempt to steal from him, can unleash breaths of various elements, but is extremely sleepy and may spontaneously fall asleep for 1d6 turns but will recover 1d6 health per turn while asleep.


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