D24.218 Quarters of Shorulin the Masonrymancer

A heavily reinforced living quarters 80x60ft in size made of enchanted mud bricks that are highly resistant to all manner of damage other than lightning.

Access is only possible through a teleportation circle set up inside a 30x30ft cell attached to the quarters.

Dwelling within is the half dwarf half golem Shorulin, one of the very scant survivors of the Fall of Craagveald, who is looking for the right people to join in his search for a way past the Rootwall.

Though half insane due to having been subject to an experiment that made half his body that of a steel golem, he possesses a righteous heart and will use his principles to judge of the character of others.

Shorulin is an accomplished archmage and casts mainly water and earth spells, and possesses a unique staff capable of erecting extremely sturdy and resistant walls of enchanted mud bricks which he can summon up to 50ft of every turn at will.

He will give visitors 3 quests that judge their morality, and if his visitors complete them and he seems them compatible with his principles he will offer to join them and share his hoard of potions, scrolls, treasures and some secret knowledge.

Otherwise, he teleports the visitors away using the magic circle.


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