L24.166 Toadseye

 A common gem found in mines in the underbark that are commonly encrusted in many of the crafts of spiderkin. Named after their resemblence to the eyes of mist breathing toads, there are many grades of Toadseye mainly related to their coloration, size and projection - a mark within a gem typically being one of the many geometrical primitives. 

The largest Toadseye known to loremasters was named the Gathered Horde - Cirmson-Black in shade, nearly 10 ft in diameter and bore a remarkable albeit somewhat distorted octahedral projection, was found in Heumar's Mine located in the Dilumian underbark near the Helanthic Sprig of the Firm Qeleres, and is said to be in posession of the Spellseer Anthar Laedumek, who bought the gem from the Spiderkin miners who uncovered it.


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