D24.172 Magma Bubble

A large bubble of magma 80ft in diameter suspended in the middle of a endless chasm emitting purple fog. Only creatures with fire resistance may traverse upon the bubble unscathed. Despite it's appearance it is only as hot as fired coals, and wobbles slightly when treaded upon.

10d6 swarms of man eating moths flock about the bubble, attacking all creatures who tread on the bubble.

Applying sufficient force allows one to sink into the bubble which grows hotter as one approaches the center.

The core of the bubble is an invisible prism which pulses an aura of cold held in place by force magic. Should it's restraints be dispelled, the bubble immediately grows as hot as real magma will begin rapidly cooling from the outside forming a stone shell.

The prism bestows learned in transmutation the secret of creating magma bubbles.


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