D24.94 Adzelorn's Den

A 300x200ft large den of the mprisoned cobalt dragon Adzelorn. A greataxe is studded in it's neck.

Unlike most dragon dens, it has been thoroughly looted. 

When a sentient creature enters, the cobalt dragon speaks very politely and will try to gain their sympathy, asking them to help find a way to remove the greataxe which is cursed by holy magic to be bound painfully to his spine.

If the creature has low intelligence he will coax them approach him, and will eat them if given the chance.

Otherwise, he will regale a tragic story about how he was terrorized and forced to suffer by corrupt, arrogant Dwarven paladins, and begs of them to find a way to undo the binding of the greataxe and free him.

When the greataxe is removed, Adzelorn will thank his saviours, promising to return the favour at a later date.


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