L24.64 Celdurn, Darkmist Gauntlet

A gauntlet of Websteel tarnished by Saltbright fitted with a buckler of a hollow center. The only remnant of the hero Zaalges the Dissipator. 

Said to have discovered Celdurn in a lost Dhirvians vault, the gauntlet, combined with his skill in Fumimancy led him to be able to manifest dense mists of dark which was able to shroud from the onslaught of the magicks of bright, cementing his heroism in the recapture of Fright the frontier island in the Grainsea where he slew the Six Crawfish Lord Knights of Bright. 

He is said to have embarked on a personal quest as he was released of his duties by permission of his Lord, the Queen of Lances Yirthev.


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