D24.88 Tannery of Madness

 A large leather tannery 80x100ft in size, clove into two, with one area higher in elevation than the other by 50ft, revealing a vertical limestone cliff.

Numerous tanning and leatherworking workbenches are crammed up against the cliff on which are the skeletons of numerous creatures.

At the top of the cliff sits an undead dwarf seated on a foul smelling couch of dragon leathers wielding a leather whip that emanates a concentrated aura of chaos. The dwarf's eyes are blazing with orange with madness.

Every 12 seconds, the dwarf is able to invoke the power of his whip that allows it to strike a creature up to 60ft away. Those weak in constitution may flinch and be turned by the whip's hideous smell and aura.

When creatures arrive too close to the cliff, the dwarf will yell, invoking numerous 2d6 foul smelling air elementals who will attack with bolts of stench. These elementals dissipate when the dwarf is slain.

Underneath the couch is are extremely precious patches of ancient aged dragon leather, capable of resisting the effects of magic twice as better as their unaged counterparts, according to their color when held up or when made into armor.


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