D24.86 Duelists' Monopteros

 An ornate monopteros 70ft in diameter, composed of  tall fluted pillars of basalt and a round roof cladded in brass.

All over the marble floor under the monopteros are numerous bladed weapons - swords, rapiers, daggers, alongside the skeletal remains of dwarves. 

Bound to a chair is a partially decomposed, blindfolded and gagged dwarf in a robe who emanates an 30ft diameter aura of frenzy, making those unwise quick to anger and easily provoked. The source of the frenzy however is not from the dwarf, but from an blazing amber amulet welded to his skin.

If unbound, he the dwarf reveals himself as Alazurin, an undead dwarf, the sworn enemy of Overlord Thraulin, who he claims was one of those responsible for the fall of Craagveald. He will offer his assistance to get revenge on the Overlord, but will furiously attack if he suspects the party show signs of having some allegiance the Thraulin


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