D24.76 Chancel of Red Wax

A ruined chancel 100x200ft in size, caked in molten red wax that flows across the walls, pillars and ceiling.

At the alter resides Waxwain Whuldur, a draugr priest in pure robes of white muttering in intense prayer.

Whuldur ignores any intruders unless they attack him, upon which he conjures numerous holy spells and summons Wyrms and composed of wax from the ground which spew scalding wax at targets in a cone up to 60ft which may cause temporary blindness and slowing of reflexes. Alongside the Wyrms are 2d6 wax skeletons wielding weapons of wax that deal physical and fire damage.

He holds a cursed rosary that inflicts a curse of undead upon the wearer but grants access to 5 random holy spells, alongside his holy book which contain 1d6 + 2 high level sacred spells.

Underneath the altar is an ancient scroll containing a legendary spell alongside a 5d6 shards of a broken sacred mace which contain immense spiritual power which may be used in place of a spell slot. 

If at least 12 shards are brought to the right smith, they may be reforged into a weapon that allows its weilder to manifest an aura of spiritual wax at will 12 times a day, that can extend the reach of an attack by 40ft and deals an additional 3d6 holy fire damage.


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