L25.42 Cloudstone Ziggurat

One of the Divine Instruments of the Judge of the Skies Zibish, servant of the Sky Deity Ia. The Cloudstone Ziggurat is said to have the power to trap all matter within it's foggy winding halls, isolating it from the world, as a prison for the most blasphemous of existence. 

Within, the will of creatures are slowly moulded by the will of Zibish, and only the obedient may be granted reprieve to carry out tasks in the mortal world as instructed.

Replicas of the ziggurat are often made in precious milky white gems as accompaniments to statues of Zibish who depict her as a stern looking woman wearing a cloud-like flowing skirt, and deific crown of horns and wielding her ziggurat on her left hand and bronze mace of her right.


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