The divine instrument of the Deity of Blood, Din-Eshur also known as the Princess of Hearts. The peach is typically used as a symbol for the physical heart, said to be the cup which nourishes and inspires the soul. It is said that the first children of the Golden Bean were much like their earlier counterparts, alive, but motionless, animated only by the whims of primal forces. But by chance Din-Eshur saw by whim a burning peach, scorched by the fires of the deep earth, letting the first blood of flames and was struck with divine inspiration. In imitation of what he saw, he forged with his inspiration alone, a pulsating peach, lit with flames and bestowed it to the children of the Golden Bean, which in turn animated the first men, dogs, cats and soon all other creatures which walk the earth and bear blood within their veins. It is said that some unused peaches exist deep under the earth, and implanting one within a dead body may allow one to be returned from death. At present, Din-...