T25.4 The Sellsword, Part 4

 A big frown could be seen from the Jumian's face as he walked through the sandstorm that covered the streets of the Tildu Stoma.

The means of arriving at the Grand Blade disclosed by the apparition was utterly absurd.

"One has to be capable of either travelling through the Anthre and matching the Grand Blade's speed and find the right opportunity to leap upon its surface and stay upon it, while it arcs and flies through the Anthre erratically," the diminuitive apparition had said.

"Based on my knowledge only 2 in history can fathom such an ability - the first is the ancient Archmagister Khulaepranu - who herself is somewhere high in the Anthre, and the second is the legendary adventurer Kildervax the Threadwinged who passed his secrets of travelling through the Anthre to the Sumdun Featherstrummers that he descended from..."

"During your travels, I would advise naught to reveal your intention to step upon the Grand Blade - many experts covet the grace of the Grand Blade and some fanatics may even intend to harm you in hopes of gaining the opportunity to fell a possible challenger of the Grand Blade..."

Hejer saw now three pathways now stood before himself, all equally unlikely of success.

The first was to find one who could somehow predict the trajectory of the Grand Blade. Though his ability allowed him to harness the knowledge of the wandering dead, it was highly constrained by time, and he would no doubt have to find someone greater than that apparition of that forgotten Librareiter.

The second pathway was to search for a Featherstrummer, specifically of the Sumdun dynasty. No doubt he could travel to the Barren Qeleres - to Dhelgenhuld Lost, where Kildervax's lineage could most likely be found, he doubt it would be easy to convince them to share with him the secrets of Anthre-travel.

The final pathway was to somehow find the mythical Khulaepranu, or at least an inheritance of hers - which was likely next to impossible.

Gloomily, Hajer made his way out of the gates of Tildu as he immersed himself in weighing is options.


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