T25.26 The Featherstrummer, Part 5.6

 "Make way! Make way for Lord Hirmvird's host!" the loud voice of a young man bellowed followed by the sound of a loud trumpet blaring from afar from behind Gumue.

As soon as it was heard, much of the line moved towards the left into a narrower file almost naturally.

Though Gumue was lost for a second and remained walking where she was, she saw the Slant eyed young man and old man beckon her to follow the rest and she quickly jogged towards the line along with the rest.

Just as she was about to ask about this happening, the sound of the trumpets grew louder and larger in number, as she saw from behind the line approach - along the now freed up side of the road, the approach of a horde of beaked iguanas upon which numerous armored people holding up lances rapidly marched along at nearly twice the speed of the line's slow, leisurely approach to the Twin Sprigs.

As they swiftly advanced, Gumue saw the a tall standard held up by one of the riders, depicting a red serpent coiling about a tree wearing a crown.


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