T25.25 The Featherstrummer, Part 5.5

"Following? Who would follow such a buffoon who spews nothing but poorly remembered drivel?" the slant eyed man harrumphed.

Soon the two began to bicker with one another as they continued along the line and approached closer towards the Twin Sprigs.

Continuing to chuckle at their acerbic but spirited exchange, Gumue gazed upon the Floating Swamp wistfully.

A many revolutions ago, her world was naught but a cave and the sight of the moons, the dark Anthre and occasionally the dreadful light of the Resplendence which reflected from the clouds, and her mentor.

Never could she have imagined the Spoke contained such wonder and activity - the thought of it stirred her heart, bringing a smile to her face.

Though not too long ago she was victim to the terrifying violence of the Spoke - she saw it an adequate cost for having the chance to bear these sights.


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