T25.21 The Featherstrummer, Part 5.1
"Wow..." Gumue whispered softly to herself as she witnessed a long line of various travellers, packhorses, carriages and wagons winding nearly a quarter of a league between the gentle moss hills moving slowly across the dirt path that led to the towering Twin Sprigs that soared high above into the Anthre.
The sight she beheld left her speechless as she looked up towards the intricate branches high in the air upon which she could make out all manner of settlements, from villages to walled cities that would likely take numerous cycles to explore completely.
As she gazed in awe, suddenly a large colossal object in the air came in to her sight from afar.
"What in the world is that!?" Gumue could not help but speak to herself loudly in surprise as she saw it, causing the many travellers around her to look at her.
After bowing apologetically for making a din, an tiny old man in a cloak riding atop a corpulent ox spoke.
"That is the Library of Prahfar the Librareiter of the Flying Swamp!"
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