L25.30 Silver Tar

An extremely rare and expensive poison used in magical concoctions said to be able to nourish the soul by wasting flesh. Found in small pockets deep underground, and are said to be the tears of the primordial Sulmat of the Saltwaters who wept as she gave birth to the first of the Gods. 

Only the most wealthy and the leaders of the polities of Ulrunir are able to obtain Silver Tar, with the latter employing highly skilled teams of Geomancers to locate their whereabouts. Other than from these prospections, Silver Tar are also obtained from a variety of auctions, demanding prices of astronomical proportions.

It is said that given to the right master, Silver Tar can be made in to medicines that can cure any disease and even prolong life, and it is rumored that it is through their consumption that the Leaders of the Polities have lived for hundreds of years.


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